Omuraliev Usen Kasymovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Excellent education

Education: Frunze Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools"

Subjects taught: "Project analysis and project management", "Decision theory/Operations Research", "Project Management", "Automated systems of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry", "Procurement of works. Evaluation and selection of contractors", "Selection of consultants and consulting services", "Electronic procurement", "Modeling in logistics".

Research and Development: Digital technologies in mechanical engineering.

Contact details:
Work phone: +996 312 545147

Omuraliev U.K., born in 1957, higher education, graduated from Frunze Polytechnic Institute in 1979 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools.

From 1979 to 1981, he worked as a design engineer in the department of the chief technologist of the Kaji-Say Electrotechnical Plant. Since 1981, he has been working at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov. In 1985-1988 he studied at the graduate school of the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics, where he defended his PhD thesis in 1989. In 1993 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

In 2007, by the decision of the Academic Council of the University, he was awarded the title of Professor of KSTU. During his time at FPI-KSTU, he worked as a teacher, associate professor, professor, head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology (1992-1998, 2003-2012), Dean of the Faculty, Vice-rector for Economics and Financial and Economic Activities, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs.

During his work, he published 86 scientific and methodological works, including 4 textbooks with a volume of 37 printed sheets, one electronic textbook, 24 methodological manuals. Participated in a number of international conferences and seminars, in 1995-2006 was the scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council for the defense of doctoral dissertations. Under his leadership, research work was carried out on the development of a system of organizational and technological design of production systems.

From 1997 to 2000, he headed the Directorate for the implementation of the Education Sector Development Project implemented under a loan from the Asian Development Bank, within the framework of which mapping of all schools (more than 2000) and preschool educational institutions (about 500) of the country was carried out, on the basis of which: a database of passports of preschool and general education institutions of the country was developed; the plan of capital investments in the education sector for the medium term; measures to ensure access to education for socially poorly protected children; A national report on the implementation of the education sector reform matrix has been prepared; a pilot stage of the education management information system has been implemented; heating systems have been reconstructed in 30 schools in the country; 8 new generation textbooks for primary and primary schools have been published and 20 titles have been prepared for publication.

Under his leadership:

a) state educational standards of multilevel higher professional education, educational and methodological complexes and educational and laboratory facilities have been developed in 35 areas of bachelor's and master's degree training;

c) within the framework of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Faculty, and subsequently, a system of organizing the educational process on credit technology was introduced throughout the university, new educational programs in the areas of Telematics and Logistics, which have no analogues in the CIS countries, were prepared and launched, a joint educational program for the preparation of masters (dual degree programs) was developed and implemented, attracted investments in the amount of more than 7 million soms;

c) for the first time in the history of both the university and the system of higher professional education of the country in 2014-2015, educational programs for bachelor's and master's degrees in Food technology were prepared and passed unconditional international accreditation.

As part of a number of working and expert groups under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, he actively participated in the development of the concept of public education and the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Education", the regulatory framework for reforming higher professional education and science, the establishment of a system of independent accreditation of educational organizations and educational programs. He made a significant contribution to the establishment and formation of the Kyrgyz Association of Distance Education, the Association of Engineering Education of Kyrgyzstan.

He was awarded Honorary diplomas of KSTU, the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Fuel Resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, the badge "Excellent Student of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic", the Badge of Honor "For Special Services to KSTU".

Scopus ID: Usen Omuraliev

Google Scholar: Usen Omuraliev

ResearcherID (WoS): HNQ-8382-2023

ORCID: 0000-0001-7716-7990  

РИНЦ:  (elibrary)  y00460