Department of International Relations

The International Department of I. Razzakov KSTU plays a crucial role in integrating the university into the global educational space and developing academic cooperation. It coordinates academic mobility programs and facilitates the establishment of partnerships with leading foreign universities and research centers. The department supports international students and faculty members, ensuring a comfortable learning environment and cultural adaptation. Additionally, it promotes the university’s participation in international conferences, grant programs, and research projects, expanding the horizons of scientific and educational collaboration.

Functions of the Department:

  • Organization and coordination of international cooperation: Establishing and developing partnerships with foreign educational and research institutions, participating in joint scientific research, conferences, and other events.
  • Academic mobility: Participation in exchange programs for students, postgraduates, doctoral candidates, teachers, and researchers, contributing to the improvement of educational programs and the international prestige of the university.
  • Support for foreign students and teachers: Ensuring a comfortable educational environment and assisting in the cultural adaptation of foreign students and teachers studying or working at KSTU.
  • Information and representation activities: Representing the university's interests on the international stage, participating in international associations and organizations, and promoting KSTU’s educational services abroad.
  • Attracting international grants: Assisting university departments in obtaining foreign grants for the implementation of scientific and educational projects.