At the present stage of society's development, there is a huge need for the qualification of an "engineer-teacher", i.e. for specialists not only for production, but also for the education system (teachers of general technical disciplines in secondary schools, colleges, universities). In this regard, the Department of Engineering Pedagogy he has been training specialists in this area for several years. On the one hand, as an engineer, you can show your creative activity in the national economy: information technology, electric power, mechanical engineering, light industry, food industry, economic and marketing activities of the enterprise, etc.
Practical training at the capital's enterprises of state and private ownership, as well as in secondary schools, colleges and universities contributes to the consolidation of acquired knowledge, the acquisition of skills and abilities of a teacher and an engineer.
Our graduates successfully work in various government and commercial structures, at enterprises, in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, both in Kyrgyzstan and the CIS, and abroad.