KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Higher Schools
International Higher School of Logistics
Engineering Pedagogy
Graduates of the Department of Engineering Pedagogy
Abdusamatova Zhyldyz Kulmanovna
Director of the Department of Social
educational and extracurricular work
Baktiyar Toktorov
singer, showman
Zholdoshov Mamatair Kamalovich
Deputy Dean of the Ftip for Academic Affairs
Bakiev Mirlan
Head of the Department of Examination of Industrial Property Objects
Department of Expertise, State Intellectual Property Service
Property and innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Higher Schools International Higher School of Logistics Engineering Pedagogy Graduates
Graduates of the Department of Engineering Pedagogy
Abdusamatova Zhyldyz Kulmanovna
Director of the Department of Social
educational and extracurricular work
Baktiyar Toktorov
singer, showman
Zholdoshov Mamatair Kamalovich
Deputy Dean of the Ftip for Academic Affairs
Bakiev Mirlan
Head of the Department of Examination of Industrial Property Objects
Department of Expertise, State Intellectual Property Service
Property and innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic