In 2021, on May 11, a guest lecture was held at the department by Doctor of Ph.D., prof. The Kyrgyz Academy of Education Dobaev K.D. on the topic "Competence approach in the system of vocational education".
According to the GIZ project within the framework of the program “Vocational Education in Central Asia” at the I. Razzakov KSTU at the department “Engineering pedagogy” on 22.04.22, a guest lecture was held with the participation of Professor Franz Horlacher from the Berlin Technical University on the topic “Organization of online learning on the example of the German vocational education system".
Academic mobility (incoming, contracts and orders)
Academic mobility of teaching staff for the 2023-2024 academic year
Academic mobility is carried out at KSTU in accordance with the "Regulations on the organization of academic mobility of students, graduate students, teachers and researchers of KSTU named after I. Razzakov". Since 2023, as part of academic mobility, she has been invited to give lectures by Ph.D., Associate Professor. Skabayeva G.N. from the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University. And since 2024, Ph.D., associate professor, has also been invited. Turdalieva S.T. from M.H.Dulati Taraz State University, who conduct a series of lectures, practical and laboratory classes. In June 2024, the head of the Educational Program "Engineering Pedagogy", PhD, Associate professor. Mamyrova M.I., as part of academic mobility, was invited to the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University to participate in the International Summer School.