Research work


Scientific work. Scientific work at the department is carried out in the following areas:
1. Modern problems of vocational education.The problems, main directions and trends in the development of modern vocational education are considered from the point of view of a competence-based approach to education. Head of the topic: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Dykanaliev K.M. Composition of the working group: Head of the department, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Mamyrova M.I., Associate Professor Zholdoshov M.K., art. Abdusamatova Zh.K., art. Rev. Rabidinorva A.D. Introduction to the educational process, 5 articles published.

2. Development of dual training system technology for training specialists in technical areas.Interest in the dual education system of Germany, Singapore, Denmark, Switzerland is increasing in the Kyrgyz Republic. Dual education is a type of vocational education (PO), in which the theoretical part of the training takes place on the basis of an educational organization, and the practical part takes place at the workplace.
The aim of the project is to identify and substantiate the concept of the development of a dual software system and the possibility of using its elements in the conditions of Kyrgyzstan.
Head of the topic: PhD, Prof. Asanaliev M.K. Composition of the working group: Associate Professor Dykanaliev K.M., Rev. Bakirov B.Zh., Rev. Sayakbayeva Zh.B., Kenensarieva T.K. Introduction into the educational process of research, 82 articles have been published, 21 reports have been made at international conferences.

Our teachers Zholdoshov M.K., Abdusamatova Zh.K., Bakirov B.Zh. have completed their PhD dissertations.The staff and postgraduates of the department annually participate in the work of International and Republican scientific and technical conferences in the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad, publish research materials in the form of articles in the periodical scientific literature, in the form of monographs. Over the past year, they participated in the International Scientific Conference "New opportunities in the field of vocational education: employment, innovation and sustainability" GIZ, Bishkek, 2017; at the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Priority directions for the development of science and education", Ulyanovsk, 2016, at the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Cheboksary, 2017. Student scientific work is given paramount importance. The high scientific potential of teachers contributes to the active involvement of students in scientific work. All teachers conduct research. Conferences on scientific developments of students are held annually. At the 58th STC of students, postgraduates and young scientists, 12 reports were presented for the 1st round.

Our students Kerimbayeva Zh.A., Yarnykh K.Yu., Syrymbekova Sh., Tarasenko N.S., Stanbekova A. took an active part in interuniversity student conferences on the topics: “Problems of upbringing in the family” at the Law Academy, “Global development problems in Kyrgyzstan” at the KRAO and took II and III places, showed high the level of knowledge.
The teaching staff of the department underwent advanced training in Kyrgyzstan and abroad on various topics to improve the educational process.
Since 2014, teachers of the department Dykanaliev K.M., Zholdoshov M.K., Sayakbayeva Zh.B. actively participated in seminars on the program "Vocational education in Central Asia-1, Regional network of teachers" (GIZ project) in Germany, Alma-Ata, Tashkent, Bukhara and Dushanbe, along with representatives of universities and colleges of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Associate professors Dykanaliev K.M., Zholdoshov M.K. according to this project, successfully completed 160 hours of advanced training at the Dresden Technical University (Germany). In the future, it is planned to actively participate in this project to develop a master's program.
The department conducts scientific and methodological work with the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Scriabin, Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov, Kyrgyz-Turkish University "Manas", Karaganda State Technical University, Technological University of Tajikistan, Tajik National University.

The department is working on the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. Currently, 6 graduate students in psychological and pedagogical specialties are studying at the graduate school of KSTU. Graduate students and teachers of the department take an active part in conferences in the Kyrgyz Republic and the near abroad.
The department has constantly taken an active position in the life of KSTU-KTU- FPI. The staff of the department took part in the socio-political events of the university and the faculty.

Scientific relations of the department

Form of research work 1

Form of research work 2

Form of research work 3

Students' speech at the scientific conference