To the applicant
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Higher Schools
International Higher School of Logistics
Engineering Pedagogy
To the applicant
Direction 550 500 "Technological education"
Directions 550 800 Vocational training (by industry)
Professional appointment of a specialist. The situation in education has changed. Many institutes providing vocational education have become universities. In parallel with this, "additional education" and a variety of educational services began to develop. All this has significantly complicated the training of teachers for the vocational education system.
According to the Department of Vocational Education under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Kyrgyz Republic, about 70 teachers of special technical disciplines with appropriate higher engineering and pedagogical education are required annually for secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic. According to the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, about 100 teachers of technology and labor training, drawing and computer science are required for schools of the republic for each academic year. These statistics show the need to train engineers-teachers for colleges and schools of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The profession of "engineer-teacher" refers to a complex group of a few professions functioning simultaneously in two heterogeneous systems: "man — man", "man — technique" and their modifications.
An engineer-teacher is a qualification that has many specializations: mechanical engineering, electric power, mining, construction, light industry, etc.
An engineer-teacher is called upon to carry out any pedagogical activity in the system of vocational education, and will also perform engineering work in various fields of modern production.
The work activity of an engineer-teacher acts as pedagogical, first of all, because it transfers socially significant experience, knowledge, skills and abilities to the younger generation, the formation of personality and its qualities in accordance with the needs of society.
The Department of Engineering Pedagogy of KSTU has been preparing specialists with the qualification of "Engineer — teacher" in the direction of 550 800. "Professional training" since 1998. On the basis of the department, training is organized in the following specializations: Information technology; Transport and transport technologies; Power supply; Catering technology; Sewing technology.
For each academic year, 10 grant places are allocated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic for the specialty "Vocational Training", in addition, students are recruited under a contract. The duration of full–time education is 5 years, long–distance education is 6 years.
Thus, in 5 years students receive two professions and become a versatile and in-demand specialist of modern production. To do this, specialists in their field work at the department, who will develop and form your future professional skills and culture of an intellectual at a sufficiently high level.
Master of Professional Education
Within the framework of the program "Vocational education in Central Asia" we train masters of vocational education (M.Ed) profile "Technology of food production".
Directions 550 800 Vocational training (by industry)
Information technology
Food production technology
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Higher Schools International Higher School of Logistics Engineering Pedagogy To the applicant
Direction 550 500 "Technological education"
Directions 550 800 Vocational training (by industry)
Professional appointment of a specialist. The situation in education has changed. Many institutes providing vocational education have become universities. In parallel with this, "additional education" and a variety of educational services began to develop. All this has significantly complicated the training of teachers for the vocational education system.
According to the Department of Vocational Education under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Kyrgyz Republic, about 70 teachers of special technical disciplines with appropriate higher engineering and pedagogical education are required annually for secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic. According to the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic, about 100 teachers of technology and labor training, drawing and computer science are required for schools of the republic for each academic year. These statistics show the need to train engineers-teachers for colleges and schools of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The profession of "engineer-teacher" refers to a complex group of a few professions functioning simultaneously in two heterogeneous systems: "man — man", "man — technique" and their modifications.
An engineer-teacher is a qualification that has many specializations: mechanical engineering, electric power, mining, construction, light industry, etc.
An engineer-teacher is called upon to carry out any pedagogical activity in the system of vocational education, and will also perform engineering work in various fields of modern production.
The work activity of an engineer-teacher acts as pedagogical, first of all, because it transfers socially significant experience, knowledge, skills and abilities to the younger generation, the formation of personality and its qualities in accordance with the needs of society.
The Department of Engineering Pedagogy of KSTU has been preparing specialists with the qualification of "Engineer — teacher" in the direction of 550 800. "Professional training" since 1998. On the basis of the department, training is organized in the following specializations: Information technology; Transport and transport technologies; Power supply; Catering technology; Sewing technology.
For each academic year, 10 grant places are allocated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic for the specialty "Vocational Training", in addition, students are recruited under a contract. The duration of full–time education is 5 years, long–distance education is 6 years.
Thus, in 5 years students receive two professions and become a versatile and in-demand specialist of modern production. To do this, specialists in their field work at the department, who will develop and form your future professional skills and culture of an intellectual at a sufficiently high level.
Master of Professional Education
Within the framework of the program "Vocational education in Central Asia" we train masters of vocational education (M.Ed) profile "Technology of food production".
Directions 550 800 Vocational training (by industry)
Information technology
Food production technology