International Higher School of Logistics

The International Higher School of Logistics was established in 2022 on the basis of the Department of Logistics. The International Higher School of Logistics is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor A.S. Umetaliev - an active top manager, an expert of the international project, the Schulich School of Business, York University of Toronto, a practicing expert consultant in the field of public procurement in World Bank projects.

The activities of the International Higher School of Logistics are aimed at fulfilling the strategic objectives of the university development program.

The International Higher School of Logistics includes two educational programs that have extensive experience in training sought-after specialists and two departments:

Educational program "LOGISTICS"
Educational program "ENGINEERING PEDAGOGY"
Department "KYRGYZ TILI"

The programs of the International Higher School of Logistics train bachelors in 3 areas and masters in 5 areas


580600 Logistics

550500 Technological education

550800 Professional training


Logistics of production and sales

Logistics information systems

Logistics of supply and procurement

Logistics of city and international transport

Inventory logistics

Food production logistics