The educational process in the SVE (College) of the I.Razzakov KSTU
The regulatory framework. The educational process at the SVE (College) is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic «On education» dated August 11, 2023 № 179, the «Regulation on the educational organization of secondary vocational education of the Kyrgyz Republic» dated February 3, 2004 №53 (as amended by the resolution Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic dated June 23, 2023, № 312), other documents in the field of education, regulated by the requirements of state educational standards of secondary vocational education, the Charter of the I.Razzakov KSTU and other local documents of the university and college.
Language of education. Kyrgyz and Russian.
Planning. The educational process is planned and organized in accordance with the approved academic schedules for all implemented specialties in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standards, curricula indicating the number of academic weeks for all types of training (theoretical, industrial, intermediate and final certification, vacations). The academic calendar does not change during the academic year.
BPEP. The basic professional educational program (BPEP) is a set of educational and methodological documentation that regulates the goals, expected results, content and organization of the educational process in the relevant specialty. BPEP is developed and approved by the SVE (College), taking into account professional standards (if any), the needs of the labor market, and the requirements of employers based on the state educational standards of the Kyrgyz Republic.
BPEP consists of the general position, characteristics of graduates' professional activities and requirements for the results of BPEP, the schedule of the educational process, the work curriculum, the matrix of competencies, annotations of curricula and practice programs, logistical support for the implementation of BPEP, the schedule of modules, the procedure for completing and defending final qualifying work, the organization of final state certification graduates.
The labor intensity. The labor intensity of BPEP for full–time education is at least 120 credits, for part-time education - at least 150 credits. The labor intensity of one academic semester is at least 30 credits. One credit is equal to 30 hours of student's academic work (including classroom, independent work, and all types of attestation).
Lesson schedule. At the beginning of each semester, the schedule for the upcoming semester is approved. The schedule indicates the academic year, semester, study group, name of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum, type of lesson (lectures, practical exercises, laboratory work, etc.), time, place, auditorium and building number, full name of the teacher.
Duration of classes. All classes are conducted in pairs of two academic hours - 80 minutes.
Breaks. There are breaks of 10 minutes between classes, and there is also a large break of 40 minutes (after the 3rd pair).
Academic load. It depends on the number of subjects provided by the curriculum. The maximum amount of a student's academic workload is set at 45 hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) academic work, usually ranging from 3 to 5 pairs per day. At the same time, students can receive on-the-job training (OJT) 1-2 times a week.
Practice. The practices provide practice-oriented training for students, training and production practices are provided (the duration is defined in the curriculum). A mandatory part of the practice is writing a report and filling out a diary.
Holidays. The total amount of vacation time in the academic year is 7-10 weeks, including at least two weeks in winter.
Аttestation. Assessment of the quality of training for students and graduates includes current, intermediate and final state attestations. The current attestation of students is carried out during the academic semester on the basis of a modular rating assessment system. Intermediate student assessment is conducted at the end of each semester and final grades are given in all disciplines. For attestation, assessment databases are created, including standard assignments, control papers, and unit tests to assess knowledge, skills, and the level of acquired competencies. A graduate who has no academic debt and has completed the full course of study provided for in the curriculum is allowed to complete the final certification. The final state attestation of graduates can be carried out in the form of passing the final exam in a particular discipline, the final interdisciplinary exam in the specialty, and defending the final qualifying work.