Automobile Transport
As the national economy of the Kirghiz SSR developed and due to the geographical specifics of the republic, where up to 98% of transportation was carried out by road, engineering and technical personnel were needed to maintain it in working order, to carry out technical maintenance and repair.
Therefore, in 1955, the Frunze Polytechnic Institute (opened in 1954) made the first enrollment of students for the specialty "Motor Transport". For their release in 1957, a special, profiling (graduating) department of "Automobile Transport" was created. The first head of the department was then Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Skalov G.F. Over the years, the department has been expanding, strengthening its educational, scientific and research potential.
In 2007 the department celebrated its half-century anniversary. Veterans of the department, graduates of various years of study, university management, colleagues from other universities of the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad, and students were invited to the large-scale celebration.
In 2020, the department celebrated the 63rd anniversary of its founding. Over the past period, more than 4,000 specialists have been trained, who have made a significant contribution to the formation and development of the transport sector and the development of the economy of the republic as a whole.
At the moment, the department "Automobile transport" carries out educational, educational, methodological, organizational and methodological, research and educational work among students and undergraduates in the direction 670200 "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes", as well as the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualifications (postgraduate studies) in the specialties 05.22.10 - "Operation of road transport" and 05.05.03 - "Wheeled and tracked vehicles".
The faculty of the department "Motor transport" includes the head. department, doctor of technical sciences, prof. Davlyatov U.R., Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Matkerimov T.Y., Ph.D., Assoc. Akunov B.U.; Ph.D., Assoc. Bolotov E.A. (by combination), Ph.D., Assoc. Alseitov M.T., Ph.D., acting Assoc. Dresvyannikov S.Yu., senior lecturers Zholdoshbaev K.M. (combining) Abdyldaev Ch.S., Kalnazarov B.U., Bopushev R.T., teacher Chakaev E.A. (combining), teacher Duishobekov A.T. (by combination), teacher Mamtsev A.N., and the teaching and support staff includes the head. laboratories Zholdoshbaev K.M., methodologist Toguzakov N., laboratory assistants Zheenalieva N.Zh. and Shelestov A.V.