Department of Science and Innovation

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) is a structural subdivision of the Kyrgyz State Technical University. I. Razzakov, which carries out planning and control of the activities of the university in the field of organization of scientific research, innovation and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification.

Strategic goal in scientific and innovative activities

Transformation into a research innovative university that promotes the acquisition of new knowledge, the formation of a flexible self-developing effective scientific, technical and infrastructure environment for the development and implementation of modern technologies, applied solutions, the development of scientific schools and the improvement of the system of training research scientists.

Main tasks of DSI

  • Ensuring the unity and interconnection of scientific, educational and production activities.
  • organizing and conducting research activities of departments, branches and the university as a whole.
  • commercialization of the results of creative, innovative and research activities of scientists and young researchers;
  • priority development of fundamental research as a basis for the formation and development of scientific schools and leading research teams.
  • planning, organizing, monitoring and debriefing of scientific conferences, including the preparation and publication of information material;
  • management, coordination, monitoring, analysis, material creation of a database, ranking of annual reports on research and development of teaching staff, institutes, higher schools, branches, the University as a whole;
  • planning, coordination, analysis of research work of students and masters, organization of regulatory material support for conducting and summing up the results of scientific work;
  • planning, monitoring and participation in summing up the results of research under the state order; preparation and holding of meetings of the STC, drafting and preparation of annual reports of the Ministry of Defense and N of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • organizing and carrying out work on the creation, development and supervision of scientific schools, research institutes and scientific laboratories at the University and its branches;
  • preparation and holding of scientific events (congresses, conferences, symposiums, round tables, colloquia, seminars, webinars);
  • development of scientometrics and science of science among researchers, students and young scientists; their adaptation to the digital transformation of science.