Department of Engineering and Information Technology

The "Technology and Information Technology" Department provides training for students in both full-time and distance learning formats based on secondary and higher education. Students can choose from the following fields:

  • 580300 "Commerce"
  • 630400 "Oil and Gas Engineering"
  • 550800 "Professional Education"
  • 700200 "Management in Technical Systems"
  • 670200 "Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes"
  • 640200 "Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering"
  • 580100 "Economics"
  • 710400 "Software Engineering"
  • 750500 "Construction"
  • 670300 "Technology of Transport Processes"

The department was established on January 13, 2010, by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, according to the rector’s order.

Research work and participation in scientific life

The teaching staff of the department actively engages in research activities. They participate in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, and publish their research papers in various journals and periodicals. Annually, the department involves students in the preparation for student scientific conferences, stimulating their research interest and professional development.

This information has been updated based on available data and supplemented with current educational and scientific initiatives of the department. If further details or changes are needed, please let us know.