The Department of Automatic Control trains specialists in the following areas: 1) Control in technical systems The direction "Control in technical systems" includes the study of modern theory and technology of automatic control, the latest software for controlling mechatronic systems, robotic systems and flexible automated production. This is a direction in which the traditions of classical training in fundamental technical sciences are combined with the practical training of modern bachelors. Technical systems are everywhere: in buildings, cars, at power plants, in electric trains, metro, in medical devices, on communication satellites, they are installed on ships, airplanes, robots cannot do without them ... Orientation systems for spacecraft and stations, control systems for nuclear power plants or even a simple system for shutting down a boiled kettle are all the embodiment of those technically systems, without which do today is simply impossible. In the process of training, students in this area study physics, chemistry, electronics, microprocessor technology, mechatronics, intelligent control systems, automatic control theory, process modeling, automation equipment, technological measurements and instruments. Students practice at the leading enterprises in Astrakhan and the Astrakhan region. Among such enterprises are LLC TTK LUKOIL, LLC Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan, etc. Graduates can work in any state and commercial enterprises and organizations that use computer technology for management, paperwork, collection and processing of information. This can be production of any degree of complexity - from dairies, cheese factories, mineral water bottling lines to complex technological metal rolling lines, automobile assembly, oil and gas pipeline management, oil cracking and many others. Immediately after graduation, a graduate can occupy the positions of engineer, automation engineer, software engineer, electronic engineer. In addition, there is the opportunity to continue education under the master's program "Robots and Robotic Systems". 2) Internet technology and management The direction of Internet technology and management is communication, information technology and services based on which the development and automation of any sphere of life activity and production are carried out, performing the functions of collection, storage, processing, transfer and use in decision making. Specialists with programming knowledge in the field of Internet technology are in demand in our time and can easily find a job in the future. To verify this, just look at any job search website, at the same time, the salaries of IT specialists are higher than other specialists. Those graduates who enter our faculty will receive a diploma in 4 years. From the 2nd year students begin to participate in practical projects for developing software products, forming a professional portfolio. Solving real problems posed by representatives of leading companies, they work with well-known brands. Master classes at the faculty are conducted by well-known experts from leading companies, including companies and organizations that share their experience with our students. Graduates of the faculty are in demand in the labor market. Many students receive job offers before graduation. The faculty has a business incubator "Agency of Actual Communications", where students learn to work in a team on real projects. The faculty prepares professionals who are able to conduct projects in the areas of digital and marketing communications: create and promote IT projects, conduct advertising PR campaigns.
Specialists with programming knowledge in the field of Internet technology are in demand in our time and can easily find a job in the future. To verify this, just look at any job search website, at the same time, the salaries of IT specialists are higher than other specialists. Those graduates who enter our faculty will receive a diploma in 4 years.
Who do you think will be chosen? He who, in addition to information technology, owns Internet technologies, has acquired managerial skills, knows the basics of law and can create content. Those. graduate of the faculty of information technology of KSTU in the specialty "INTERNET TECHNOLOGY AND CONTROL".