Distance technology today favorably complements and expands the traditional forms of organizing the educational process. The opportunity to study at a convenient time, in a convenient place and at your own pace, equal opportunities for training and education regardless of place of residence, health of the learner and at the same time simultaneous access to many sources of educational information - this is only a small part of the advantages of distance learning with the use of distance learning technologies (DLS).
Organization of educational process with the use of distance learning technologies (DLL) training in KSTU named after I. Razzakov provides:
availability of educational and methodical materials in electronic form;
on-line consultations, by means of electronic communication technologies (e-mail, chat, WhatsApp)
communication of teachers with students on academic topics, by means of a forum;
training for on-the-job self-study.
Electronic educational portal of CDE, which includes: electronic lectures on the studied subjects, methodological guidelines, the possibility of self-monitoring of the level of knowledge, through on-line testing;
Possibility to receive and do the tests via Internet.
Informational and methodological support for students is provided by the Educational Portal of the Distance Education Center www.cdeksucta.kg