Before the start of the academic session, students are briefed. CDE staff explains the general scheme of the educational process organization; introduces the schedule of the educational process; demonstrates the work with the educational portal, with educational and informational resources; informs students about the forms of interaction with the teacher and CDE staff online to get advice during the educational process.
Teaching and learning activities are carried out through pedagogical communication between the teacher and the student in the classroom, network interaction and independent study of learning materials.
During the semester, in accordance with the schedule of the educational process, according to the schedule of classes, the student attends classroom sessions (study session), interacts with the teacher online through the CDE educational portal; passes the current module control (online testing), passes the final control (exams) of-line.
The schedule of classes is made by the dean's office of CDE, in accordance with the schedule of the educational process, approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Work in coordination with the head of the educational and logistical (dispatching service), the director of CDE and brought to the attention of teachers and students by posting on the information board and publishing on the CDE information site no later than 7 days before the exam session. The schedule shall contain full information about the time, place and type of classes for each course, its individual streams and study groups, indicating the subjects studied and teachers.
The learning process includes independent study under the guidance of a teacher of the training material, which is provided through the Educational portal of CDE; preparation of the student for the current module control; performance of control-module works; preparation for the final control; performance of term papers / projects, graduate qualification / diploma works; passing internships.
Scientific and educational-methodical assistance to students is carried out through consultations of teachers both by traditional methods and by means of information and communication technologies.
Individual consultations are held according to the schedule of interaction in the network and face-to-face consultations through the CDE educational portal, through other communication channels or in person according to the schedule of face-to-face consultations (office hour).
Group consultations are held remotely through the CDE educational portal or at the initiative of the lecturer (chat, FAQ section - frequently asked questions on the portal, web-conference) and in person.
Review lectures/consultations on Interdisciplinary State Examinations on the profile are organized in the walls of the university or online in accordance with the schedule of the educational process according to the approved schedule.
Educational practices provided by the State educational standard, as well as industrial practices (including pre-qualification / pre-diploma) students pass traditionally in the prescribed manner on the basis of programs of practical training approved by the relevant departments.