Branch of KSTU named after I. Razzakov in g.Kara-Balta is an educational institution created with the aim of solving the problems of training technical personnel, competitive specialists by using modern technologies, preserving and increasing moral, cultural and scientific valuessocieties in the western region of Chui oblast.Branch of KSTU named after I. Razzakov in Kara-Balta is a structural subdivision of the Kyrgyz State Technical University. Razzakov and provides training for bachelors and specialists of secondary vocational education.
Branch of KSTU named after I. Razzakova implements programs for the training of specialists in secondary vocational education (License No. С2019-0076 / 02 dated July 26, 2019):
The cost of training is 18,000 som
Based training
9 classes
11 classes
080114 Land and property relations
2y 10m
1y 10m
080302 Commerce (by industry)
2y 10m
1y 10m
080403 Merchandising and quality examination of consumer goods
2y 10m
1y 10m
130502 Construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities
2y 10m
1y 10m
140206 Power stations, networks and systems
2y 10m
1y 10m
140212 Power supply (by industry)
2y 10m
1y 10m
190701 Organization of transport and management of transport (by mode of transport, excluding air transport)
National Testing Certificate (ORT) of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Six photos, 3x4;
Passport or other identity documents of the applicant (for those liable for military service - a certificate of registration or military ID);
Other documents that characterize the applicant more fully (diplomas of Olympiads, sports competitions, certificates)
For foreign citizens
1. Certificate of relevant education;
2. Passport or other identity documents of the applicant;
3. A copy of the attribution certificate (for those liable for military service);
4. Photos of 3x4 size - 6 pcs.
5. Reference 086.
Nonresident students are provided with a hostel!
The branch provides significant benefits for the payment of the contract for certain categories of persons - orphans, disabled people, students from low-income families, in accordance with the Regulations on social support for students of KSTU. I. Razzakov.