Power supplу

The Department of "Power Supply" is one of the leading educational and scientific departments of the Faculty of Energy (EF) of the Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I.Razzakov and has the status of a graduate. Together with other departments of KSTU, it provides training for bachelors, masters and postgraduates, participates in retraining and advanced training of employees of enterprises and organizations, the basic department of the Kyrgyz Republic under the program "Power Supply" of the direction "Electric Power and Electrical Engineering". The masters are trained according to the program: Current problems of energy saving in power supply systems. The heads are: Candidates of Technical Sciences, Professor Sukulov Manas Asanbekovich, associate professors Kurzhumbayeva Rosa Beishembekovna, Ryrsaliev Abdykerim Satikanovich, Kasmambetov Huseyn Talantbekovich, Aitkeev Bektursun Beishenovich, Sariev Baktybek Imangazievich, Asiev Abai Turusbekovich.

The head of the department is Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Sariev Baktybek Imangazievich.

Power supply is the provision of consumers with electric energy transmitted from an electric power system. Power supply organizations must ensure the necessary level of reliability, the required quality of electricity by voltage level, safety and convenience of maintenance of electrical equipment of networks and substations, high technical and economic performance of operation of all elements of electrical networks in the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy.

The graduate of the department is a specialist of a wide profile. He can work in all industries related to the transmission, distribution, consumption of electric energy (distribution companies "Severelectro", "Oshelectro", "Vostokelectro", "Jalabadelectro"; power supply systems for equipment and industries of enterprises, organizations and institutions; as well as continue his education in graduate school and engage in scientific and pedagogical activities). Graduates in the direction of Electric power industry, in accordance with fundamental and special training, can perform the following activities:
— design and production and technological;
— scientific research;
— operational;
— installation and commissioning;
— organizational and managerial.

The objects of the graduate 's professional activity are:

• power stations and substations, power transmission lines,
• electric power systems;
• power supply systems for engineering facilities and industries, in particular mining industry;
• electric power, — technical, — physical and technological installations of high voltage;
• automatic control and relay protection devices in the electric power industry;
• power plants, power plants and complexes based on unconventional and renewable energy sources;
• hydroelectric power plants and hydropower plants.