Goals and objectives of the Educational Department (ED)
The main goal of the educational department is the effective planning, organization, management and control of the educational process in KSTU on the basis of building a processor model for the joint activities of the leading, teaching staff, teaching support personnel, administrative and business personnel and students to train highly qualified specialists based on credit technology in accordance with the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012 - 2020.
Activities of the educational department:
• current planning, organization and control of the educational process;
• improvement of normative documentation regulating the educational process;
• organization of interaction between structural units in the development of the university basic educational documentation;
• reporting on the implementation of educational programs and the educational process at the university;
• control of the planning and actual implementation of the teaching load by the teaching staff;
• maintaining personal files of students and organizing the preparation of the education documents;
• analysis, synthesis of information for the preparation of decisions of the administration for the management of the educational process;
• analysis of the educational process, the results of examination sessions and final state certification.
The main tasks of the educational department are:
• organization of interaction between university departments in order to improve the quality of training of specialists, bachelors and masters, modernize the educational process in accordance with modern requirements, implement the strategy for the development of the university educational activities;
• the work’s coordination of institutes, faculties, departments and other structural units to ensure the educational process;
• the development initiating and innovative educational technologies implementation in the university educational process, which ensure the improvement of the quality of educational activities;
• development and compilation of instructional materials and programs aimed at improving the educational process on the basis of annual analysis of reports on the results of the educational activities of departments, deans, institutes and branches;
• the educational and methodological improvement and the educational process legal support;
• organizational and methodological assistance in the implementation and use of modern teaching technologies in the educational process;
• improving the information of the educational process by expanding the functions of the university’s information system and introducing other information technologies;
• coordination of work on the documentation preparation for the licensing of individual educational programs and the university as a whole;
• coordination of work on the documentation preparation for the accreditation of certain areas of specialist training and the university as a whole;
• organization of student practices and graduate employment.