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History of the Research Institute of ERC and Scientific and Technical Center СA

KSTU named after I. Razzakov

Brief Information. The Research Institute of Earthquake-Resistant Construction (RI ERC) operated under the former Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport, and Architecture (KSUCTA) named after N. Isanov. It was established by a decision of the Academic Council and an order of the Rector of KSUCTA (No. 1/7 dated January 29, 2013).

RI ERC, being the only scientific subdivision of KSUCTA, coordinated all research, innovation, and design and survey activities of the university's departments. At that time, RI ERC operated without the status of a legal entity.

The Scientific and Technological Center "Technopark" (established in 1996 and re-registered in 2016 due to its incorporation) was part of RI ERC KSUCTA.

The director of both subdivisions was appointed as R. A. Mendekeev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, who continues to serve as the head of these subdivisions at the Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov.

In 2022, according to the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, three universities, including KSUCTA, merged into the Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov, which also incorporated RI ERC and the STC "Technopark."

The RI ERC was re-established as a legal entity by the decision of the Academic Council of KSTU (Protocol No. 4 dated December 28, 2022) and was officially registered (Certificate No. 213707-3301-U-e dated January 25, 2023) as the "Research Institute of Earthquake-Resistant Construction of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov" (RI ERC KSTU). Its purpose is to organize, coordinate, and carry out state-funded and other research activities at KSTU in the field of construction and architecture.

By the decision of the Academic Council of KSTU (Protocol No. 5 dated March 3, 2023), the "Scientific and Technical Center for Construction and Architecture" (STC CA KSTU) was also re-established as a legal entity and officially registered (Certificate No. 11666-3301-U-e dated January 25, 2023).

The STC CA KSTU was created to commercialize and implement the results of research and development (R&D) by RI ERC KSTU and other creative works by the university's departments and scientists. This is achieved through the conclusion of agreements with partner-clients, including ministries, agencies, local government bodies, enterprises, and other entities.