[Translate to English:] Технология и техника разведки месторождений полезных ископаемых

The Department of Exploration technology and techniques of mineral deposits

The Department of "Exploration technology and techniques of mineral deposits" is one of the key academic and research units focused on training specialists in the field of geological exploration. It plays a vital role in preparing professionals for the mining industry, providing a high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development of exploration methods and evaluation of mineral deposits.

As part of its activities, the department educates students in modern approaches and technologies in geophysical and drilling exploration, as well as the use of the latest tools and equipment for the search, development, and extraction of mineral resources. The department actively collaborates with leading research institutes and companies in the mining industry, which allows students to stay up to date with the latest advancements in the field and successfully apply them in their practical work.

Both fundamental and applied scientific research is conducted at the department, aimed at optimizing exploration and deposit development processes, improving extraction efficiency, and minimizing the environmental impact of mining operations. Graduates of the department possess deep knowledge and skills that are in demand across a wide range of industries, including geological exploration, environmental monitoring, mine design, and mineral extraction.

The main goal of the department is to train highly qualified specialists, mining engineers, and geologists for the geological, mining, and extractive industries, focusing on the theoretical foundations of geophysical methods, drilling techniques and technology, and acquiring practical skills in working with modern geophysical equipment, software, and drilling machines and equipment.

Currently, the educational activities at the department are supported by 7 faculty members, including 1 Doctor of Sciences, 1 Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1 Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, 3 Senior Lecturers, and 1 Lecturer.

Scientific research at the department is conducted on the topic: "Optimization of Drilling Processes in Complex Mining Conditions."

The department actively engages in scientific research and organizes student internships, as well as collaborates with various domestic and international organizations to assist with the employment of graduates:

Organizations of the National Academy of Sciences:

  • Institute of Geology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (NAS KR)
  • Institute of Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic (NAS KR)

Research organizations:

  • Scientific station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek

Research and production organizations:

  • OJSC "Kyrgyzgeophysics"
  • OJSC "Kyrgyzneftegaz"
  • State Enterprise "Kyrgyzgeology"
  • LLC "Geoburservis"
  • LLC "Burmash"

Currently, students are being trained with the qualification of a mining engineer-geologist. Graduates who successfully complete the university program and wish to pursue a scientific degree can continue their studies in graduate school.

The educational program at the department is implemented in the specialty 63001 "Technology of Geological Exploration" with the following specializations:

  • Geophysical methods of mineral deposit exploration and prospecting
  • Techniques and technology of mineral deposit exploration
  • Oil and gas geophysics
  • Drilling wells for liquid and gaseous mineral resources

Geophysical well surveys