Building structures, buildings and structures
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov
Building structures, buildings and structures
The goal and main directions of development of the department "Building structures, buildings and structures" are to create conditions for students to master the state educational standards of the "Bachelor" and "Master" levels in the direction of "Construction" and to obtain practical skills, abilities and competencies necessary for their future profession . To achieve this goal, the necessary infrastructure has been created and a system of an effective educational process has been built.
Further development of the department is carried out in the following main areas:
- Organization and conduct of educational and methodological work on the academic disciplines assigned to the department using new teaching methods;
- Performing scientific research on the profile of the department, publication of their results (monographs, articles, manuals, collections, etc.);
- Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel through master's and postgraduate studies, improving their qualifications, strengthening control over the quality of teachers' work;
- Carrying out career guidance and educational work with students;
- Development and expansion of partnerships, both scientific and industrial;
- Innovative activity;
- Further development of the quality management system.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov Building structures, buildings and structures
The goal and main directions of development of the department "Building structures, buildings and structures" are to create conditions for students to master the state educational standards of the "Bachelor" and "Master" levels in the direction of "Construction" and to obtain practical skills, abilities and competencies necessary for their future profession . To achieve this goal, the necessary infrastructure has been created and a system of an effective educational process has been built.
Further development of the department is carried out in the following main areas:
- Organization and conduct of educational and methodological work on the academic disciplines assigned to the department using new teaching methods;
- Performing scientific research on the profile of the department, publication of their results (monographs, articles, manuals, collections, etc.);
- Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel through master's and postgraduate studies, improving their qualifications, strengthening control over the quality of teachers' work;
- Carrying out career guidance and educational work with students;
- Development and expansion of partnerships, both scientific and industrial;
- Innovative activity;
- Further development of the quality management system.