Educational work

Educational, organizational and other work.

  • The department conducts educational work in supervised groups in accordance with the plan of curatorial work approved by the head of the department.
  • The department compiles an electronic database of students, which reflects the following personal information: last name and first name of the student, date of birth, registration address, actual address, phone numbers, WhatsApp numbers, facebook/Instagram pages, information about parents. Personal data has a high degree of protection and cannot be published in open sources.
  • The department starts medical books for each student with the obligation to undergo scheduled and unscheduled medical examinations.
  • When performing educational work, the department is guided by the following policy towards students: compulsory attendance; active participation in the educational process; timely completion of assignments by students; timely attendance at classes; social and ethical behavior in the classroom, respectful attitude towards colleagues in listening to the module and to the lecturer; business and / or neutral dress code in appearance; Absence of absenteeism for unexcused reasons; exclusion of smoking, drug and alcohol intoxication in the premises of the university; the exclusion of the use of gadgets for the purpose of voice and video communication, as well as the exchange of text messages during classes; working off missed classes during the period of time appointed by the lecturer; ethnic, religious, political and social tolerance; formulation of objections and protests in a politically correct form; maintaining constructive feedback during professional activities; involvement in the discussion during class; punctuality and commitment; ethical and legal literacy.
  • In their professional activities, the staff of the department is guided by the Constitution and Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic, regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Leading professors of the department fulfill the requirements for academic mobility - they give lectures both inside and outside Kyrgyzstan, and the department also invites lecturers from other universities both inside the country and from outside Kyrgyzstan.
  • The staff of the department, especially young teachers, study English, give lectures in two or more languages, with priority being given to the State language.
  • The staff of the department conducts active professional orientation work among secondary school students and applicants, constantly and productively work on the popularization of engineering education in construction (civil engineering) and KGUSTA.
  • The department establishes personal and professional contacts with the real sector of the economy and business, namely with construction companies, developers, R&D agencies / studios / laboratories, in order to maintain constructive feedback between business and the university.