About Iskhak Razzakov

The long history of the Kyrgyz people is rich in outstanding personalities. Among them was the talented, outstanding personality Iskhak Razzakov. Iskhak Razzakov was one of the statesmen who left an unfading mark on the political history of Kyrgyzstan in the Soviet era.

Razzakov Iskhak Razzakovich, was an economist, Soviet and party worker, was born on October 25, 1910 in the village of Horosan, Boxa-Isfaninsky volost, Khojent district, Turkestan Territory (now Lyaylyak district, Osh region) in the family of a miner. His childhood was very difficult. Razzakov's mother died when he was only three years old. At the age of five, on his way to Tashkent, he lost his father and was left alone among strangers. Until 1925, Iskhak was brought up and studied in an orphanage in Khujand. Iskhak Razzakov had a lively mind since childhood. In 1923, he transferred to study in Tashkent, where he entered boarding school - the second stage school named after Namuna. From 1925 to 1929, he studied at the Uzbek Institute of Education in Tashkent (pedagogical school), where he then taught social science from 1929 to 1931. At school, at a teacher training college, he studied brilliantly, standing out noticeably among his peers. Then, in 1931, he was sent to study at the Moscow Institute of the State Planning named after Krzhizhanovsky. He was an excellent student there, and actively participated in public life. After graduating from the institute, he defended a diploma on the rational use of fuel resources and received the specialty of an economist-planner. It should be noted that the State Commission during the defense noted the theoretical depth and practical significance of the final work.

From a young age, he was characterized by a high level of education at a spiritual and cultural level. From 1936 to 1941, he successively occupied the responsible positions of the group head of the fuel department of the State Planning Committee of the Uzbek SSR, chairman of the regional plan of the Fergana region, deputy chairman, and then chairman of the State Planning Committee of the Uzbek SSR. The successful ten-year work in Uzbekistan showed the outstanding organizational skills of I. Razzakov. The ability to manage people and to rally them in a team manifested itself during the Great Patriotic War. He found contacts and organically lived in the interests of friends and comrades. Selfishness was alien to him. These qualities at a high level of state and party activity grew into a natural state to live in the interests of the people and put their interests, the interests of the country above all else.

Fate was favorable to Iskhak Razzakov. In high circles of power, his outstanding abilities, brilliant knowledge, high responsibility for the assigned work, moral and volitional qualities were noticeable.

Soviet government Iskhak Razzakov was sent to Kyrgyzstan to the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Then he was only 35 years old.In the post-war economic life of Kyrgyzstan, there were severe problems in all sectors. Planning and economic education and long work in the bodies of the State Planning Commission helped Razzakov to deeply and concretely understand economic issues. With the advent of I. Razzakov, the Council of Ministers of the Republic has noticeably improved its work. Appropriate order was put in place, labor discipline was raised. Leadership qualities helped him to head the republic in 1950. During his leadership (from 1950 to 1961), new plants, factories, mines, power plants, irrigation systems, schools, residential buildings were built and put into operation. The hard work of people under the leadership of I. Razzakov brought its results. A large agricultural engineering plant was built. Frunze, high mountain road Frunze - Osh. During 1946-1950, 20 large industrial facilities of the national economy were put into operation. Among them are the Lebedinskaya, Alamedinskaya, Przhevalskaya hydroelectric power stations, the Kirgizavtomash plants, the Osh Electromechanical Plant, a shoe factory in the capital, etc. The construction of the BChK was completed, the Orto-Tokoi reservoir was irrigated and developed more than three thousand hectares of waterless lands, thousands of people moved to them. In 1956, a major victory was achieved in agriculture, the republic was awarded the first Order of Lenin.

The people trusted him. Trusted and colleagues. With all his behavior, deeds, actions, service to the Fatherland, he deserved the recognition and love of the nation. Iskhak Razzakov was a widely educated person. He attached great importance to science and higher education. The leader paid much attention to the training of highly qualified scientific personnel, teaching staff of universities, qualified engineering and working personnel for the sectors of the national economy. Many young compatriots were sent to the Scientific and Educational Centers of Moscow, Leningrad and other cities of the USSR.

Iskhak Razzakov initiated the establishment of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR, the State University, the Frunze Polytechnic Institute, which bears his name today, and regional pedagogical institutes. Iskhak Razzakov was a great personality of Kyrgyzstan. And his name - a statesman and political figure, a nationally recognized leader of the nation, is rightfully vividly inscribed in the history of our state.