Structural mechanics and hydraulic engineering

Head of the Department of Structural Mechanics and Hydraulic Structures

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Bayaliev Altynbek Zhakypbekovich

Address: 720020 Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek st. A. Maldybaeva 34B, building 3, room 411

Phone: +996312545664


The Department of “Structural Mechanics and Hydraulic Structures” is a major department and prepares graduates in the following areas:

Bachelor's degree - direction: 750500 “Construction” - profile: “Hydraulic Engineering”; direction: 760100 “Environmental management and water use” - profile: “Water resources and water use.”

Master's degree - direction: 750500 “Construction” - master’s program: “Hydraulic Engineering”; direction: 760100 “Environmental management and water use” – master’s program: “Environmental management”.

The department provides educational process for students of all architectural and construction fields of KSTU named after. I. Razzakova in various disciplines.