Finance, accounting and analysis


The goal of the department is the targeted training of modern highly qualified and successful bachelors, masters, postgraduates and doctoral students in the field of finance and accounting and audit for the investment and construction sector and the financial sector. economy.

Today, the primary task is to ensure that the level of student training meets the modern requirements of the labor market and the current demands and needs of market infrastructure entities. In this regard, when planning the employment prospects of graduate students, the cooperation of the department with organizations in the construction industry, the banking sector, insurance companies, government bodies and their structural divisions that oversee issues of economic development, financial and tax policy of the region is of great importance.

In the process of such cooperation, already at the stage of developing the personnel strategies of employing organizations, the  basic criteria for the competence of future specialists, requirements for the level and content of their education are laid down.

A good tradition has become annual presentations and surveys conducted by employees of commercial banks, the Social Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic to attract students to undergo industrial practice with the possibility of employment in the future. In recent years, CJSC "KICB", CB "Kyrgyzstan", OJSC "Halyk Bank", OJSC Bank "Bai Tushum" and others have been actively involved in this process. As well as guest lectures with the participation of professors from our foreign partner universities, such as Zapadno -Saxon University of Applied Sciences (Germany, Zwickau).

From among the teaching staff (TS) providing educational services for the master's programs "UAU" and "FK", the main part of the teachers with academic degrees and titles, including 2 teachers with a doctorate in economics (academic title of professor).

The Department of Accounting and Audit is rightly proud of its graduates. Among them there are chief accountants and businessmen, teachers and talented economists, but at the same time all of them are literate and energetic people who do a lot for their native city, region and country. In total, over the years of work, more than 1000 graduates have been trained and graduated by the department, while the percentage of employment is over 80%. And each new release is a new stage in development, a significant event in the history of the department and the university.

 Currently, the Department of Accounting and Audit is part of the Higher School of Economics and Business (HSE), founded in 2022.

Since 2012, the department has been training bachelors and masters in the direction 580100 "Economics" in accordance with the educational standards of the third generation of HPE.


Ensuring the preparation of highly qualified bachelors, masters and postgraduates in the direction of "Economics", profiles: "Accounting, analysis and audit" (in construction) and "Finance and credit" (in construction) based on the results of ongoing scientific research, the requirements of international standards and market conditions


The purpose of the department: targeted training of modern highly qualified and successful bachelors, masters, graduate students in the field of finance and accounting, and audit for the investment and construction sector and the financial sector of the economy. Creation of a system of educational and methodological complexes adapted to modern requirements for the training of specia

Tasks of the department:

  • Development of methods of teaching the disciplines of the department;
  • Formation of the necessary qualification structure;
  • Improvement of the student's independent work system;
  • Deepening and expanding scientific research in the field of accounting, financial relations in the construction industry.

Undergraduate profiles and specializations:

  • Accounting and audit (in construction)
  • Finance and credit (in construction)

Master's programs:

  • Accounting, analysis and audit in the construction business management
  • Finance and credit (in the investment and construction sector)

Terms of study

  • 4 years (Bachelor, full-time) 5 years (Bachelor, part-time with DOT)
  • 2 years (master, full-time)