Information systems and technologies named after academician A. Zhainakov
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Institute of Telecommunications Electronics
Information systems and technologies named after academician A. Zhainakov
The Department of Information Systems and Technologies named after Academician A. Zhainakov provides students with knowledge and skills in the development and implementation of information systems, as well as in the field of information and communication technologies and systems.
Students study IT programming, databases, network technologies, data analysis, systems design and other related disciplines.
As a result of their studies, graduates are prepared to work in various IT-related fields such as software development, systems analysis, project management, software testing and others.
The mission of the Department is to educate highly qualified specialists in the field of information technology, meeting the requirements of consumers, based on the introduction of modern educational technologies and continuous improvement of the pedagogical and methodological activities of the teaching staff of the Department.
The main goal of the Department is to ensure the modern quality of education and training of future specialists in the specialties of the Department, based on the preservation of their fundamentals and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.
The tasks of the Department are:
- To train qualified specialists with general cultural and professional competences in the field of information systems and telecommunication technologies;
- To increase the intellectual potential of the Department, to develop the research base of the Department, to increase the professionalism of the teaching staff, to meet the modern requirements for the training of qualified competitive personnel;
- Introducing innovative methods of organising the educational process, using advanced educational technologies;
- Establishing links with employers.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Institute of Telecommunications Electronics Information systems and technologies named after academician A. Zhainakov
The Department of Information Systems and Technologies named after Academician A. Zhainakov provides students with knowledge and skills in the development and implementation of information systems, as well as in the field of information and communication technologies and systems.
Students study IT programming, databases, network technologies, data analysis, systems design and other related disciplines.
As a result of their studies, graduates are prepared to work in various IT-related fields such as software development, systems analysis, project management, software testing and others.
The mission of the Department is to educate highly qualified specialists in the field of information technology, meeting the requirements of consumers, based on the introduction of modern educational technologies and continuous improvement of the pedagogical and methodological activities of the teaching staff of the Department.
The main goal of the Department is to ensure the modern quality of education and training of future specialists in the specialties of the Department, based on the preservation of their fundamentals and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.
The tasks of the Department are:
- To train qualified specialists with general cultural and professional competences in the field of information systems and telecommunication technologies;
- To increase the intellectual potential of the Department, to develop the research base of the Department, to increase the professionalism of the teaching staff, to meet the modern requirements for the training of qualified competitive personnel;
- Introducing innovative methods of organising the educational process, using advanced educational technologies;
- Establishing links with employers.