Within the framework of the research areas, the faculty of the Department of Open-pit Mining and Blasting Engineering, together with the staff of the Department of Mine Surveying and GIS Technologies, B.N. Yeltsin KRSU, the Institute of Geomechanics and Subsoil Development of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, conducted research work under a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic on the topic: Scientific and technical assessment of lands disturbed by mining operations and creation of digital maps (using the Sulyukta brown coal deposit as an example).
Duration of research: 2021-2023.
Amount of research funding (total): 2.4 million soms
Head of research: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.R. Abdiev
Research work (current)
Within the framework of the research areas, the faculty of the Open Mining and Blasting Department together with the staff of the Mine Surveying and GIS Technologies Department, B.N. Yeltsin KRSU, the Institute of Geomechanics and Subsoil Development of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, undergraduates, postgraduates and PhD students are conducting research work under a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic on the topic: Scientific and technical assessment, development of proposals for standardization of digitalization and creation of 3D maps of deposits (using the Karakechi brown coal deposit as an example).
As part of the research, special equipment, tools and software will be purchased to equip the laboratory base of the scientific and technical center.
Duration of the research: 2024-2026.
Amount of financing (for 2024): 5.45 million soms.
Head of research work: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Acting prof. Abdiev A.R.
Scientific publications of research performers for 2023-2024:
- in Scopus journals:
1. M. Jamanbaev, S. Omuraliev, T. Umarov, G. Falaleev. Study results of soil properties and calculation of stability of the Almaluu-Bulak landslide slope. E3S Web of Conferences 420, 03024 (2023) doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202342003024 EBWFF 2023;
2. T. Umarov, A. Abdiev, K. Moldobekov, R. Mambetova, A. Abdiev, B. Isaev. Creation of digital maps of land disturbed by mining operations. E3S Web of Conferences 420, 03023 (2023) doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202342003023 EBWFF 2023;
3. U. Kazatov, B. Raimbekov, R. Bekbosunov, B. Ashirbaev, A. Abdiev, A. Orokov. Some results of the study of rock properties of the Sulukta deposit. E3S Web of Conferences 431, 03009 (2023) doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202343103009 ITSE-2023.
1. Umarov T.S. Experience in introducing the domestic software product dolon systems into the mining industry and into the education system of the Kyrgyz Republic / T.S. Umarov, T.S. Uzbekov, S.Y. Altybaev // Bulletin of KRSU. 2023. T. 23. No. 8. P. 72-76.
2. Fedorova N.V. Experience in using a digital block model of a copper-gold ore deposit to optimize the boundaries of a quarry / N.V. Fedorova, A.A. Abdiev, A.B. Orokov, U.T. Kazatov, A.R. Abdiev // Bulletin of KRSU. 2023. T. 23. No. 8. P. 172-178.
3. Mambetova R.Sh. Research of hydrogeological conditions of the Sulyukta brown coal deposit to create a natural digital hydrodynamic model / R.Sh. Mambetova, A.A. Abdiev, A.R. Abdiev // Bulletin of KRSU. 2023. Vol. 23. No. 8. P. 150-155. 4. Abdiev A.R., Kozhoshulov K.Ch., Stress-strain state of heterogeneous structural massifs of high-mountain ore deposits in Kyrgyzstan. Journal "Fundamental and Applied Issues of Mining Sciences", Vol.10, No.2, 2023, Pp.39-46 .
5. A. Shakenov, A. Abdiev, I. Stolpovskikh. The importance of energy conservation in Asia. Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 9 (2023).
- in the collections of international conferences:
1. Abdiev A.R., Kozhoshulov K.Ch., Abdiev A.A. Digitalization as a basis for the development of the mining industry. Mater. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Innovations and complex processing of mineral raw materials - current components of economic diversification", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the National Center for Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Vol. 1, Almaty, 2023. - pp. 75-76
2. Abdiev A.R., Umarov T.S., Tursbekov S.V., Mambetova R.Sh., Moldobekov K.T., Bekbosunov R.R. Digital technologies in monitoring lands disturbed by mining operations. Int. Forum "Digital Technologies in Geodesy and Mine Surveying", KazNITU, Almaty, 2024. - pp. 140-143.
3. Kazatov U.T., Mirgazieva K.M., Abykeev B.T., Zholochuev B.Zh., Abdiev A.R. Effective implementation of the mining and geological information system Micromine in the educational process. Int. Forum "Digital Technologies in Geodesy and Mine Surveying", KazNITU, Almaty, 2024. - pp. 144-146.
4. Abdiev A.R., Shamganova L.S., Kazatov U.T., Raimbekov B.D., Abdiev A.A., Asanbaev K.O. Digital technologies for studying the impact of underground mining operations on the earth's surface. Int. Forum "Digital Technologies in Geodesy and Mine Surveying", KazNITU, Almaty, 2024. - pp. 146-149.