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Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov

Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after. N. Isanova (KISS)

Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after. N. Isanova (KISS) is a structural, educational, scientific, administrative department that implements professional educational programs of higher, postgraduate and professional, additional education in natural or standard related areas and specialties, conducting research activities in relevant fields of science.


The Institute unites 9 departments and provides general management of the educational, educational-methodological, scientific-research, scientific-methodological activities of the departments. KISS named after. N. Isanova carries out her activities in accordance with the Law “On Education of the Kyrgyz Republic”, the Charter of KSTU named after. I. Razzakova, Regulations on the Institute of KazISS named after. N. Isanov and other legal acts.


- Department of Roads and Railways, Bridges and Tunnels;

- Department of Water Supply and Sanitation;

- Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics;

- Department of “Design, construction of buildings and earthquake-resistant construction”;

- Department of “Production and examination of building materials, products and structures”;

- Department of “Building structures, buildings and structures”;

- Department of “Structural mechanics and hydraulic engineering”;

- Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation;

- Department of “Operation of Transport and Technological Machines”;


- Department of “Operation of Transport and Technological Machines”;