Branch Campus of KSTU named after I. Razzakov of Kyzyl-Kiya
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
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Branch Campuses
Branch of KGTU named after I. Razzakov in the c. Kyzyl-Kiya
Branch Campus of KSTU named after I. Razzakov of Kyzyl-Kiya
The History of the branch
The branch of KGTU after I. Razzakov in the c. Kyzyl-Kiya was established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 170/1 on May 29, 1996, with the aim of training highly qualified mining specialists for the southern region of the Republic, as the Kyzyl-Kiya branch of the Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute.
Due to the foundation of the Kyrgyz State Mining University the branch was transformed into Southern Institute of Mining Engineering, Transport, Economics and Communication (SIMETEC) by the resolution of KSMU academic council made on 23.12.2004 and based on KSMU rector decree 01/16 24/01/2005.
Later, after joining to KGTU (Decree of Kyrgyz Republic president 03.05.2005 “Formation of the Kyrgyz State Technical University”) it continued its work as Kyzyl-Kiia Institute of Nature Management and Geotechnologies of I. Razzakov KSTU by the resolution of KSMU academic council made on 08.12.2006 and based on KSMU rector’s decree 01/208 12.012.2006.
Since 01.09.2015 it continues its work as a branch of I. Razzakov KSTU in Kyzyl-Kiia, Batken region (the Kyrgyz Republic president’s decree “According to the national strategy of sustainable development 2013-2017, about education system optimization” #11, 21.01.2013) by the resolution of I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State University’s academic council made on 30.07.2015 and by the rector’s 01/09/2015 decree “On opening branches”.
Relations of the branch
In order to jointly train nowadays required specialists and cooperation our branch has signed agreement with the Russian Federation Higher Education Institutions (RUNF etc.).
Our branch also has an opportunity to organize various hiking trips to local unique places on “Geo-tourism”. It is possible to observe mountain ranges’ movements in the direction of up and down, structures of volcanoes, physical-geographical, hydromorphological (waterfalls, canyons, lakes and so on) and other features of the South Tian-Shan valley.
The branch staff together with German specialists has lots of opportunities to monitor tectonics, seismology, sedimentogenez, hydrogeology and others in the mining manufacture, grottoes and caves.
They will get acquainted with anthropogenic, technogenic deposits caused by the mining enterprises.
They will carry out research on the comprehensive research of the technogenic deposits and their further recreation. In the high-altitude areas they will conduct research on glasiolocy and forecast of solid drinking water reserves, study and forecast for ornamental and facing cams and their further usage.
There is a scientific and industrial potential for the creation of joint ventures for geo-tourism, stone processing, jewelry.
We are interested in the preparation and implementation of projects in the framework of educational programs as Erasmus+, and others.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Branch Campuses Branch of KGTU named after I. Razzakov in the c. Kyzyl-Kiya Branch Campus of KSTU named after I. Razzakov of Kyzyl-Kiya
The History of the branch
The branch of KGTU after I. Razzakov in the c. Kyzyl-Kiya was established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 170/1 on May 29, 1996, with the aim of training highly qualified mining specialists for the southern region of the Republic, as the Kyzyl-Kiya branch of the Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute.
Due to the foundation of the Kyrgyz State Mining University the branch was transformed into Southern Institute of Mining Engineering, Transport, Economics and Communication (SIMETEC) by the resolution of KSMU academic council made on 23.12.2004 and based on KSMU rector decree 01/16 24/01/2005.
Later, after joining to KGTU (Decree of Kyrgyz Republic president 03.05.2005 “Formation of the Kyrgyz State Technical University”) it continued its work as Kyzyl-Kiia Institute of Nature Management and Geotechnologies of I. Razzakov KSTU by the resolution of KSMU academic council made on 08.12.2006 and based on KSMU rector’s decree 01/208 12.012.2006.
Since 01.09.2015 it continues its work as a branch of I. Razzakov KSTU in Kyzyl-Kiia, Batken region (the Kyrgyz Republic president’s decree “According to the national strategy of sustainable development 2013-2017, about education system optimization” #11, 21.01.2013) by the resolution of I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State University’s academic council made on 30.07.2015 and by the rector’s 01/09/2015 decree “On opening branches”.
Relations of the branch
In order to jointly train nowadays required specialists and cooperation our branch has signed agreement with the Russian Federation Higher Education Institutions (RUNF etc.).
Our branch also has an opportunity to organize various hiking trips to local unique places on “Geo-tourism”. It is possible to observe mountain ranges’ movements in the direction of up and down, structures of volcanoes, physical-geographical, hydromorphological (waterfalls, canyons, lakes and so on) and other features of the South Tian-Shan valley.
The branch staff together with German specialists has lots of opportunities to monitor tectonics, seismology, sedimentogenez, hydrogeology and others in the mining manufacture, grottoes and caves.
They will get acquainted with anthropogenic, technogenic deposits caused by the mining enterprises.
They will carry out research on the comprehensive research of the technogenic deposits and their further recreation. In the high-altitude areas they will conduct research on glasiolocy and forecast of solid drinking water reserves, study and forecast for ornamental and facing cams and their further usage.
There is a scientific and industrial potential for the creation of joint ventures for geo-tourism, stone processing, jewelry.
We are interested in the preparation and implementation of projects in the framework of educational programs as Erasmus+, and others.