Institute of Information Technology

Institute of Information Technologies, hereinafter referred to as IIT, is a structural subdivision of KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

   The main task of IIT is professional training of IT-specialists whose subject of activity is design, development and technical support of software as a commercial product that meets the specified constructive, functional and technological requirements.

    IIT trains specialists, bachelors and masters of sciences; conducts courses of advanced training in the field of information technologies, according to the obtained licenses on the basis of the unity of educational, scientific and educational work. It carries out fundamental and applied research.        

    In its educational activities IIT is guided by:

The Law of KR "On Education", normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of KR, "Regulations on the educational organization of higher professional education of KR", the Charter of KSTU.

Regulatory and legal base of IIT consists of:

  1. Regulations on the Faculty of Information Technologies;
  2. Regulations on the Academic Council of IIT;
  3. Regulations on block-module system of education and rating assessment of students' activity;
  4. Regulations on the order of transfer and reinstatement of students of KSTU named after I. Razzakov;
  5. Regulations on monitoring of students' knowledge of KSTU named after I.Razzakov;
  6. Regulations on the organization of educational process on the basis of credit technology of education (ECTS);
  7. The order of registration (re-registration) of students for disciplines on credit technology of education.

Structure of the Institute

    Since August 2022 IIT includes seven graduate departments: Automatic Control (AC), Informatics and Computer Science (ICS), Applied Mathematics and Informatics (AMI), Software of Computer Systems (SSCS), Applied Informatics (AI), Computer Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (CL), Security of Information Systems (SIS), and Engineering and Computer Graphics (I&CG).

IIT Directorate

  1. Director - Dr. Gulnara Kabaeva;
  2. Deputy Director for academic work - Gulida Madanbekovna Kudakeeva;
  3. Deputy Director for educational work - Sydykova Kunduz Ilimbekovna;
  4. Specialist, academic adviser - Gulmira Janybekova Zhanybekova;
  5. Specialist, academic adviser - Konoeva Gulzada Kubanychbekovna;
  6. Specialist, academic adviser - Turusbekova Aiym Isakovna.


  1. Head of AU - Candidate of technical sciences, Associate professor Kadyrkulova Kyal Kydayberdievna,
  2. Head of IVT - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Israilova Nella Amantayevna,
  3. Head of PICS - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Saliev Alisher Borubaevich,
  4. Head of PMI - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Djamanbaev Muratali Djuzumalievich,
  5. Head of PI - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Aida Kubanychbekova Orozobekova,
  6. Head of CL - Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associate Professor Zhumalieva Gulira Edilbekovna,
  7. Head of OBIS - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Abdulaev Absamat Abdulaevich,
  8. Head of I&CG - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Almazbek Momunovich Arzybaev.

 Department of "Automatic Control" (AC) is the graduating department, which provides training in full-time and part-time education with the use of DOT technology on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education:

  • in the direction 700200 - "Management in technical systems", (full-time and part-time form of education), qualification - bachelor, master;
  • Internet Technologies and Management 710500- "Internet Technologies and Management", (full-time and part-time), qualification - Bachelor;

Department of "Informatics and Computer Science" (IVT) is the graduating department, which provides training on a full-time basis on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education:

  • bachelors and masters of engineering and technology in the direction 710100- "Informatics and Computer Science"
  • engineers in the specialty 590001- "Information Security",
  • masters in the experimental direction "Informatics and Programming Technology" (within the framework of the TEMPUS project).

The department "Software of Computer Systems" (SCS) is the graduating chair, which trains full-time students on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education:

  • Bachelors and Masters in the direction 710400 "Software Engineering" , there is the educational program in English;
  • Bachelors and Masters in the direction 590100 "Information Security.

The department "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" (AMI) is the graduating department, which provides training on a full-time basis on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education:

  • Bachelors and Masters in the direction 510200 "Applied Mathematics and Informatics" on profiles:
    • Applied Mathematics and Informatics
    • Big Data Analysis
  • Bachelors in the direction 580500 "Business Informatics".

Department of "Applied Informatics" (PI) is the graduating department, provides training on a full-time basis on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education:

  • Bachelors and Masters in the direction - 710300 "Applied Informatics" on profiles:
  • Applied Informatics in Economics;
  • Applied informatics in computer design;
  • Applied informatics in organization
  • Bachelors and Masters in the direction - 710400 "Software Engineering" on the profile:
      • Development of software and information systems

  The department "Computer Linguistics and Intercultural Communications" (CL) is the graduating chair, provides full-time training on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education.

  • Bachelors and Masters in the direction - 710600 "Computer Linguistics" on the following profiles:
    • Computer Linguistics;
    • Computer linguistics and linguistic expertise ;
    • Intercultural communication, theory and practice of teaching foreign languages in technical higher education institution.

The Department of "Information Systems Security" (OBIS) is a graduating department, provides full-time training on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education

    • Bachelors and Masters in the direction - 590100 "Information Security" on profiles:
    • Security of automated systems;
    • Security of telecommunication systems

      The department of "Engineering and Computer Graphics" was founded in 1954. In the year of foundation there were 4 lecturers working at the chair. In the organization and formation of the department significant merits had the heads of the department: Chukubaev A.A., Akerman Z.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tarnopolsky I.R. and others.

In 1970 at the department was developed and created a machine "Ala-Too-5-R", designed for training and control of knowledge of students in graphic disciplines. It was exhibited at world exhibitions and was awarded medals.

The department conducts training in the disciplines: "Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics", "Engineering and computer graphics". The auditoriums are equipped with video installations, stands, models and posters. The department has 2 computer classes where students study AutoCAD and SolidWorks programs. All methodical instructions and manuals are written in Kyrgyz and Russian languages.

Since 2020 the head of the department is candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Arzybaev A.M.

In the 2023-24 academic year, the department opened promising areas of graphic design: Game design, UX /UI.

The department has created a computer classroom equipped with computer equipment and licensed software.

 All graduating departments have documents necessary for the organization and implementation of the educational process (Table 1):