History of the faculty. Rating of the faculty

History of the Institute

Institute of Information Technologies (IIT) was established on September 1, 2022 as a result of changes in the organizational and management structure of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, by order № 1/135 from 01.09.2022, on the basis of the Faculty of Information Technologies (FAUP), which was established in 1999 and as a structure of the largest engineering university of the country kept the best traditions and opportunities for training engineers and specialists in many popular IT-directions, taking into account the fact that in turn, as a successor of the Faculty of Automation of Management, the Institute was established in 1999.  

In its time, FAUP was established in 1984, consisted of 7 departments and trained engineers in 5 specialties: “Control and automation in technical systems”; “Automation and complex mechanization in mechanical engineering”; “Automated information processing systems”; “Electronic computing machines”; “Electric drive and automation of industrial plants”, and in 1994 in connection with the reorganization of the structure of the Kyrgyz Technical University (KTU) FAUP became a part of the Faculty of Energy.

FIT consisted of five departments: “Automatic Control”, “Informatics and Computer Science”, “Software for Computer Systems”, “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, “Physical Education and Sports”.

Deans of the Faculty of Information Technologies worked:

November 1999 - May 2006. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Genish Isakunovich Batyrkanov;
June 2006 - December 2011. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Prof. Akmatbekov Rysbek Aktayevich;
December 2011 - March 2017. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Prof. Saliev Alisher Borubaevich;
March 2017 - December 2017. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Saitov Nurlan Zholdoshevich.

        Since January 2018 - the Dean of FIT was appointed Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kabaeva Gulnara Jamalbekovna.

Together with UNDP experts, in spring 2020. FIT departments' faculty members have done a lot of work to improve their curricula in order to train programmers who meet the requirements of employers and the modern IT market.

Currently, the institute consists of seven graduating and one supporting department:

 “Automatic Control”.

The chair “Automatic Control” was established in 1961. The first head of the chair was academician A.N. Shumilovsky.

 At present the chair is headed by Dr. Batyrkanov J.I., professor.

       Till 1988 the chair produced engineers on specialty “Automation and Telemechanics”, later the chair started training on specialty “Automation and control in technical systems”.

       Since 1992 the chair has been training engineers in the specialties “Automation and Control” and “Control and Automation in Technical Systems”.

      Since 2000 the chair started training in the specialization “Management and Informatics in Technical Systems”.

      In connection with the transition to the Bologna system of education, since 2012 the department began to train bachelors and masters in the specialties “Management in Technical Systems” and “Internet Technologies and Management”.

       In connection with the changes of graduating specializations in 1988 the chair was renamed to the chair “Automatic Control”.

During the years of its existence the chair has graduated more than 400 specialists, more than 20 people have prepared and successfully defended candidate dissertations at the chair. Many graduates of the department head various enterprises and work in responsible government positions.

 “Informatics and Computer Science”

 In 1979 the chair “Automated Control Systems and Computer Science” received the right to train engineers in the specialty “Computers, Complexes, Systems and Networks”. This event is considered to be the date of creation of the chair of Computer Engineering in 1980 as a result of reorganization.  The founder and the first head of the department from 1977 to 1985 was the first president of the Kyrgyz Republic, Academician A.A. Akaev. 

            In the formation of the department made a great contribution: Dr. S.A. Mayorov, PhD, professor, head of the department of “Computer Science” of the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics; G.I. Novikov, PhD, professor, dean of the faculty of “Precision Mechanics and Computer Science” of LITMO; G.I. Novikov, PhD, Professor, Head of the Computer Science Department of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Professor G.N. Soloviev; Doctor of Science, Professor, Corr. member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of the Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, Professor Y.N. Denisyuk.

The Department of ITT is one of the first in Central Asia, which has been training specialists in information technologies since 1979.

During the existence of the department more than 3000 specialists have been trained. Students from far abroad countries: India, Algeria, Colombia, Somalia, Morocco, Sri Lanka, Angola, Cuba, etc. have been trained at the department.

At present the chair is headed by associate professor, candidate of technical sciences Israilova N.A.

 “Computer Systems Software” Department

The Department of “Computer Systems Software” (CSS) was established by the decision of the Academic Council from 30.06.2000 for training of bachelors and masters in the specialty “Software Engineering”.

         Since 2001 the training in English language has been started. Since the same year distance learning has been organized. The department was staffed with 14 teachers, including 1 Doctor of Science, 4 Candidates of Science and 9 teachers with education and specialization in the profile of the department.  

     In 2012 the chair switched to a two-level system of higher professional education in the directions: 710400 “Software Engineering” and 590100 “Information Security”. In 2010 - 2013 the chair successfully participated in the international TEMPUS-project HEICA (Higher Education Initiative for Informatics in Central Asia) on the development and implementation of modern, European-level educational programs, according to which the training in the mentioned directions was started

During all the years of its work, SOCS has established itself as a very successful department for training Bachelors and Masters in “Software Engineering”. 

The distinctive feature of both educational programs of the department is the training of professional disciplines, which starts from the first year.

Training of Masters is carried out jointly with the Moscow Scientific Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” with the issuance of two diplomas (KR and RF) MAHISTR “Information Security”.

At present the chair is headed by Dr. A.B. Saliev, professor.

 “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”.

 The department was formed in 30.09.2004 in connection with the division of the department “Higher Mathematics” into two departments: “Higher Mathematics” and “Applied Mathematics”.

In 2016-2017 academic year opened a master's degree in the direction 510200 “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” with the award of academic degree of master in the master's program “Mathematical Modeling” (License № LD160000373, registration number 16/0258, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic № 849/1 June 9, 2016, Minutes № 1-9-1, from 03.06 2016 validity - indefinite).

           Since 2014-2015 academic year the department graduates bachelors in the direction 510200 - “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”.

        Since 2016-2017 academic year the department prepares bachelors in the direction 580500 - “Business Informatics”.

Since 2017-2018 academic year, the department of “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” has been training bachelors in the direction 680200 - “Biotechnical Systems and Technologies” in the profile “Medical Informatics” together with ISOP.  

     In 2018, as a result of master's degree in a joint program with the Moscow Scientific-Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” in the direction 510200 “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, three graduates received 2 master's diplomas each from MEPhI and KSTU named after I. Razzakov.  

At present the chair is headed by Prof. Dr. M.J. Dzhamanbaev.

Department of “Applied Informatics”

The Department of “Applied Informatics” was established in the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KSUSTA) on February 24, 2001. For the first time students were admitted to the specialty 650003 “Applied Informatics” in 2001-2002 academic year on the basis of the Russian State Standard, by the order of the IOC KR № 109/105 of March 15, 2001. The license was obtained in 2004.

In 2022 the department united with the Faculty of Information Technologies of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, and formed the Institute of Information Technologies.

Department of “Applied Informatics” (PI) is the graduating department, provides training on a full-time basis on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education:

Bachelors and Masters in the direction - 710300 “Applied Informatics” on profiles:
Applied Informatics in Economics;
Applied informatics in computer design;
Applied informatics in the organization of road traffic safety;
Applied Informatics in Mining Engineering;  
Bachelors and Masters in the direction - 710400 “Software Engineering” on the profile:
Development of software and information systems
 Computer Linguistics” chair

The chair “Computer Linguistics” originates from the name of the chair “Computer and Language Technologies”, which was founded in 2001 and began to successfully train students of the direction “Linguistics and New Information Technologies” (LNIT). Later the department was called “Linguistics and New Information Technologies” (CLiMK), which was created in order to introduce new information technologies and foreign languages into the educational process.  In 2007 on the basis of INIT KSUSTA was opened a new chair “Computer Linguistics”, which began training specialists in this area.

Since the founding of the department a great contribution to the organization and formation of the Department of CLiMK and the direction of Computer Linguistics made the first head of the department, now the director of INIT, Ph, Associate Professor Marat Turdalievich Zhaparov, Doctor of Philosophy, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor Jenishbek Kadyralievich Sydykov, Head of the Department of CLIMK Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor G.E.Zhumalieva, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department Sonunbubu Jenishbekovna Karabaeva.

 Department of “Computer Linguistics and Intercultural Communications” (CL) is the graduating department, provides training on a full-time basis on the basis of secondary, vocational, higher education

Bachelors and Masters in the direction - 710600 “Computer Linguistics” on the following profiles:
Computer Linguistics;
Computer linguistics and linguistic expertise ;
Intercultural communication, theory and practice of teaching foreign languages in technical higher education institution.
Chair “Information Systems Security” 

The chair “Informatics and Automation of Production” (IAP) was created in 2001 as a part of the newly organized Institute of New Information Technologies of KSUSTA named after N. Isanov. In 2002 the department of IAP was renamed as “Information Systems Security” (OBIS) in connection with the opening of a new specialty 650006 “Complex Information Security of Automated Systems” (COIBAS). In 2009, the Master's degree program 552815 “Information Security and Protection” was opened.

The new specialty KOIBAS in the Kyrgyz Republic was opened on the initiative of candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Award of the USSR in the field of science and technology Abdulayev Absamat Abdulayevich and since 2002 KSUSTA (now KSTU named after Razzakov) is the basic higher education institution. The state educational standard of higher professional education specialty KOIBAS is developed at the Department of OBIS and approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic, the order of 04.02.2004, № 74/1.

Since 2012, the multilevel system of education is conducted, and the department prepares competitive bachelors and masters in the direction of training 590100 - “Information Security”.

In 2008-2018, the faculty of the department has implemented together with German professors individual educational program of bachelor's degree “Informatics”, as part of the newly created Kyrgyz-German Faculty (since 2016 Institute) of Applied Informatics, according to the agreement between KSUSTA and West Saxon University of Applied Sciences (Germany). Dean (further director) was a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol of the USSR in the field of science and technology Abdulayev Absamat Abdulayevich.

Since 2020 we have been training specialists in the field of biomedical engineering according to the individual curriculum of the direction of bachelor training “Informatics in Healthcare and Biomedical Engineering” with the profile “Biomedical Engineering”.

The department has close ties with foreign leading universities: West-Saxon University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) and Moscow National Research University “MIET”.

The faculty members of the department in the framework of international projects programs regularly underwent internships in India, Germany, Romania, Croatia and Russia, improving their professional levels in various educational programs.

Research work at the department is carried out in 2 directions: “Application of information technologies and methods of mathematical modeling in the branches of national economy” and “Problems and prospects of information security in the conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic”. By results of scientific researches 4 candidate dissertations are defended (Tynyshova T.D., Manapbaev I.K., Kukanova R.A., Kurmanalieva R.N.) and more than 120 scientific articles, 4 monographs are published (Muraliev A.M., Manapbaev I.K., Kurmanalieva R.N., Kukanova R.A.).

Department of “Engineering and Computer Graphics”.

The chair of “Engineering and Computer Graphics” was established in 1954. In the year of foundation there were 4 lecturers working at the chair. In the organization and formation of the chair significant merits had the heads of the chair: Chukubaev A.A., Akerman Z.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tarnopolsky I.R. and others.

In 1970 at the department was developed and created a machine “Ala-Too-5-R”, designed for training and control of knowledge of students in graphic disciplines. It was exhibited at world exhibitions and was awarded medals.

The department conducts training in the disciplines: “Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics”, “Engineering and computer graphics”. The auditoriums are equipped with video installations, stands, models and posters. The department has 2 computer classes where students study AutoCAD and SolidWorks programs. All methodical instructions and teaching aids are written in Kyrgyz and Russian languages.

Since 2020 the head of the department is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Arzybaev A.M.