Exploitation of transport and technological machines

A head of the “Operation of transport and technological machines” department academician of the MAT (Moscow), a Doctor of Technical Sciences, a Professor Suyuntbekov Islam Esenkulovich

Address: 720020 Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, A. Maldybaev street, 34B, building #9,room #132

Phone: +996 (312) 545698

E-mail: islam.suyuntbekov@kstu.kg

website: www.kstu.kg

The “Operation of Transport and Technological Machines” department is a major department and prepares graduates in the following areas:

-670100 – Ground transport and technological machines and complexes

profile 1: - Lifting and transport, construction and road machinery and equipment;

Profile 2: - Means of airfield technical support for aviation flights;

Profile 3: - Technical means of the agro-industrial complex;

Profile 4: - Machinery and equipment for environmental management and environmental protection;

Profile 5: -Transport and technological electric machines and equipment

Academic degree – bachelor’s degree.

The purpose of the profiles is to organize and provide maintenance, diagnostics and repair of transport and technological machines.

– Master's program: - Service of transport and technological machines and complexes.

The department provides “Construction, road machinery and equipment”disciplinefor the students of all construction departments of KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

The department has: -Master’s degree program in the service of transport and technological machines and complexes”; - postgraduate and doctoral studies in the following specialties:

05.22.10. –Operation of motor transport;

05.05.03. – Wheeled and tracked vehicles;

05.05.04. –Road, construction and material handling machines.

The purpose of the department: preparation of specialists in the field of ground transport and technological machines and complexes, education of highly qualified personnel.


  1. Enhancing the educational process
    • Update curricula to meet modern industry requirements.
    • Implement new teaching methods and technologies.
  2. Developing students' practical skills
    • Provide internship and training opportunities at enterprises.
    • Ensure access to modern equipment and well-equipped laboratories.
  3. Scientific research and innovations
    • Improve the design of transport and technological machines.
    • Integrate research findings into the educational process.
  4. Collaboration with industries and international partners
    • Engage employers in the training process.
    • Develop international cooperation and academic mobility.

The mission of the department: contributing to and serving society in the field of technical education.

The problem of the department is: operation of transport and technological machines in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents; testing and determining the performance of installed, operated and repaired transport and transport equipment and technological machines and etc.

The department’s staff is carrying out targeted work to increase human resources and improve the material and technical base.