
The documentation of the "Operation of Transport and Technological Machines" department includes various types of documents necessary for organizing its activities. In general, the possible documents are listed below which are specific to the work of educational institutions:

1. Curricula: Documents describing the content and structure of training courses, including goals, objectives, student requirements and assessment methods.

2. Curriculum: Lists of courses and disciplines at the department, as well as information on the number of academic hours, types of educational practice and requirements for the level of student preparation.

3. Work programs: Documents that describe in more detail the structure and content of individual courses, including lesson topics, literature, teaching methods and assessment.

4. Research projects: Documentation related to the conduct and implementation of scientific research projects at the department.

5. Diploma projects and works: Information about the requirements for writing theses, topics, assignments, defense procedures.

6. Materials on personnel work: Documents related to hiring and personnel management, including employment contracts, personnel questionnaires, employment orders and others.

7. Financial documents: Budgets, expense reports, financial plans, reconciliation reports and other documents related to the financial activities of the department.

8. Minutes of meetings: Records and minutes of meetings, scientific and methodological councils and other events held at the department.

9. Activity Reports: Regular reports describing the implementation of plans and achievements, as well as problems faced by the department.

10. Correspondence: Letters, emails and other documents related to internal and external correspondence of the department.

11. Materials for students: Class schedules, guidelines, information about conferences and other documents intended for students.

12. Safety documents: Instructions on labor protection, fire safety, evacuation rules and other documents ensuring safe working conditions.

13. Scientific publications: List and copies of scientific articles, publications of teachers and researchers related to the activities of the department.

14. Research Reports: Documents that present the results of scientific research, including methodology, data analysis, and conclusions.

15. Catalog of educational literature: A list of educational materials recommended for use by students, including textbooks, reference books and other publications.

16. Materials for the admissions committee: Documents related to the admission of students, such as enrollment orders, lists of applicants and documents confirming the results of entrance exams.

17. Certificates and licenses: Documents confirming the accreditation of the department, licenses for educational activities and other permits.

18. Department development plan: A document describing the strategic goals and development plans of the department in the medium and long term.

19. Reports on international cooperation: Information on partnerships with universities, research centers and enterprises abroad.

20. Documents on the quality of education: Results of monitoring the quality of the educational process, feedback from students, improvement plans and other documents related to ensuring the quality of education.