History of the department
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov
Exploitation of transport and technological machines
History of the department
The Department of “Operation of Transport and Technological Machines” (ETTM) was organized as a graduating department on July 4, 2017 bythe order of the rector No. 1/105. It was organized by the association of the departments “Operation of Transport” and “Lifting and Transport, Construction and Road Machinery and Equipment,” which has a long history. Since the starting date, the department has been headed by the academic advisor of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the academician of the International Academy of Transport (Moscow), the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Suyuntbekov Islam Esenkulovich.
In 1992, the Kyrgyz Architectural and Construction Institute (KACI) was formed on the basis of the construction faculty, civil engineering and architectural faculties of the FPI. In 1998, by Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, KACI was transformed into the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KGUSTA).
In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic UP No. 243 dated 07.18.2022 “On measures to increase the potential and competitiveness of educational organizations of higher professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 414 dated 07.29.2022 “On some issues of reorganization of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic" in connection with the reorganization of theKyrgyz State Technical University named after.I. Razzakovinstitution by merging with theKyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture institution named after. N. Isanovand the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development institution named after the Academician U. Asanaliev”, three technical universities of the Kyrgyz Republic were merged and KSTU named after Razzakova was reorganized.
By order of the rector of KSTU 1/135 dated September 1, 2022, the Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after. N. Isanov (KazISS) as part of KSTU named after. Razzakova. The Department of “Operation of Transport and Technological Machines” is part of the KazISS. N. Isanova.
The first intake of students in the specialty “Construction and road machinery and equipment” was carried out in 1965 at the Faculty of Mechanics of the FPI.
On October 9, 1968, the Department of Construction and Road Machines (CRM) was created as part of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute. The first head of the department was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor IzaksonYuliyYakovlevich. The founders of the CRM department were teachers M.S. Pak, D.E. Tarvit, A.M. Tolstokulakov, B.V. Skorodumov, A.G. Knysh, B.T. Bakanov, V.M. Vaiskrants. and etc.
During the next years, as heads of departmentswere elected the following: a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Bakanov B.T. was elected as a. (1971-77, 1984-85), candidate of technical sciences, associate professor GorinYu.N. (1977-79), candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Zubkov A.F. (1979-1986), candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Asanov A.A. (1986-92-94), Ph.D., Art. teacher Sadyrov K.A. (1993), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor TurgumbayevZh.Zh. (1995-2000), Ph.D., Associate Professor N.A. Rajapova (2000-2003), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Frolov I.O. (2003-2009), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Asanov A.A. (2009-2017), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Suyuntbekov I.E. from 2017 to the present.
The staff of the department is highly qualified. The department payss great attention to the preparation of highly qualified personnel. There are master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies. Employees of the department have created experimental installations, stands and models for studying the working processes of transport and technological machines.
The department trains bachelors in the following areas:
- 670100 – Ground transport and technological machines and complexes,
profile 1.: - Lifting and transport, construction and road machinery and equipment;
Profile 2: Means of airfield technical support for aviation flights;
Profile 3.: Technical means of the agro-industrial complex;
Profile 4: Machinery and equipment for environmental management and environmental protection;
Profile 5.: Transport and technological electric machines and equipment.
Academic degree – bachelor’s degree.
The purpose of the profiles is to organize and provide maintenance, diagnostics and repair of transport and technological machines.
This branch of transport for maintaining the performance of transport and technological machines is one of the main ones in the industry of the Kyrgyz Republic, strategically important for the life of the country and the receipt of foreign exchange resources, and the specialists produced for this, one of the few developing industries, are in sufficient demand in the labor market and have decent pay.
During the education process, those wishing to obtain a working profession: -Technician-car mechanic; - Auto electrical technician; - Electric welding technician’s specialties are available.
The scientific problem of the department is “Increasing operational efficiency and improving the designs of transport and technological machines in the conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic”
The department has: -Master’s degree program in the service of transport and technological machines and complexes”; - postgraduate and doctoral studies in the following specialties:
05.22.10. –Operation of motor transport;
05.05.03. – Wheeled and tracked vehicles;
05.05.04. –Road, construction and material handling machines.
The purpose of the department:preparation of specialists in the field of ground transport and technological machines and complexes, education of highly qualified personnel.
The mission of the department: contributing to and serving society in the field of technical education.
The problem of the department is: operation of transport and technological machines in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents; testing and determining the performance of installed, operated and repaired transport and transport equipment and technological machines and etc.
The department’s staff is carrying out targeted work to increase human resources and improve the material and technical base.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov Exploitation of transport and technological machines History of the department
The Department of “Operation of Transport and Technological Machines” (ETTM) was organized as a graduating department on July 4, 2017 bythe order of the rector No. 1/105. It was organized by the association of the departments “Operation of Transport” and “Lifting and Transport, Construction and Road Machinery and Equipment,” which has a long history. Since the starting date, the department has been headed by the academic advisor of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the academician of the International Academy of Transport (Moscow), the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Suyuntbekov Islam Esenkulovich.
In 1992, the Kyrgyz Architectural and Construction Institute (KACI) was formed on the basis of the construction faculty, civil engineering and architectural faculties of the FPI. In 1998, by Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, KACI was transformed into the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KGUSTA).
In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic UP No. 243 dated 07.18.2022 “On measures to increase the potential and competitiveness of educational organizations of higher professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 414 dated 07.29.2022 “On some issues of reorganization of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic" in connection with the reorganization of theKyrgyz State Technical University named after.I. Razzakovinstitution by merging with theKyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture institution named after. N. Isanovand the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development institution named after the Academician U. Asanaliev”, three technical universities of the Kyrgyz Republic were merged and KSTU named after Razzakova was reorganized.
By order of the rector of KSTU 1/135 dated September 1, 2022, the Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after. N. Isanov (KazISS) as part of KSTU named after. Razzakova. The Department of “Operation of Transport and Technological Machines” is part of the KazISS. N. Isanova.
The first intake of students in the specialty “Construction and road machinery and equipment” was carried out in 1965 at the Faculty of Mechanics of the FPI.
On October 9, 1968, the Department of Construction and Road Machines (CRM) was created as part of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Frunze Polytechnic Institute. The first head of the department was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor IzaksonYuliyYakovlevich. The founders of the CRM department were teachers M.S. Pak, D.E. Tarvit, A.M. Tolstokulakov, B.V. Skorodumov, A.G. Knysh, B.T. Bakanov, V.M. Vaiskrants. and etc.
During the next years, as heads of departmentswere elected the following: a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Bakanov B.T. was elected as a. (1971-77, 1984-85), candidate of technical sciences, associate professor GorinYu.N. (1977-79), candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Zubkov A.F. (1979-1986), candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Asanov A.A. (1986-92-94), Ph.D., Art. teacher Sadyrov K.A. (1993), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor TurgumbayevZh.Zh. (1995-2000), Ph.D., Associate Professor N.A. Rajapova (2000-2003), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Frolov I.O. (2003-2009), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Asanov A.A. (2009-2017), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Suyuntbekov I.E. from 2017 to the present.
The staff of the department is highly qualified. The department payss great attention to the preparation of highly qualified personnel. There are master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies. Employees of the department have created experimental installations, stands and models for studying the working processes of transport and technological machines.
The department trains bachelors in the following areas:
- 670100 – Ground transport and technological machines and complexes,
profile 1.: - Lifting and transport, construction and road machinery and equipment;
Profile 2: Means of airfield technical support for aviation flights;
Profile 3.: Technical means of the agro-industrial complex;
Profile 4: Machinery and equipment for environmental management and environmental protection;
Profile 5.: Transport and technological electric machines and equipment.
Academic degree – bachelor’s degree.
The purpose of the profiles is to organize and provide maintenance, diagnostics and repair of transport and technological machines.
This branch of transport for maintaining the performance of transport and technological machines is one of the main ones in the industry of the Kyrgyz Republic, strategically important for the life of the country and the receipt of foreign exchange resources, and the specialists produced for this, one of the few developing industries, are in sufficient demand in the labor market and have decent pay.
During the education process, those wishing to obtain a working profession: -Technician-car mechanic; - Auto electrical technician; - Electric welding technician’s specialties are available.
The scientific problem of the department is “Increasing operational efficiency and improving the designs of transport and technological machines in the conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic”
The department has: -Master’s degree program in the service of transport and technological machines and complexes”; - postgraduate and doctoral studies in the following specialties:
05.22.10. –Operation of motor transport;
05.05.03. – Wheeled and tracked vehicles;
05.05.04. –Road, construction and material handling machines.
The purpose of the department:preparation of specialists in the field of ground transport and technological machines and complexes, education of highly qualified personnel.
The mission of the department: contributing to and serving society in the field of technical education.
The problem of the department is: operation of transport and technological machines in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents; testing and determining the performance of installed, operated and repaired transport and transport equipment and technological machines and etc.
The department’s staff is carrying out targeted work to increase human resources and improve the material and technical base.