Design, construction of buildings and earthquake-resistant construction
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov
Design, construction of buildings and earthquake-resistant construction
The Department of Design, Construction of Buildings and Earthquake Engineering was established by the Rector's Order No1/157 of 03.07.2006. on the basis of two departments "Architectonics" and "Technology and Organization of Construction".
Mission of the Department of "DCB&EE"
To ensure the quality of training of specialists in the field of architectural and construction industry, which meets the general requirements for the training of specialists and employers, taking into account world experience. To ensure the quality of scientific research and improve the level of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
The purpose of the department is to create the necessary conditions for obtaining a quality education aimed at the formation, development, professional formation of the individual on the basis of national and universal values, achievements of science and practice.
The main tasks of the department are:
- organization and implementation of the educational process, methodological, research, innovation and civic-patriotic work that meets modern requirements for the training of qualified competitive personnel;
- training of qualified specialists with professional competencies in the field of architecture and construction;
- conducting scientific research with the involvement of bachelors and masters, disseminating and promoting scientific knowledge in the field of architecture and construction.
- creating conditions for work and full disclosure of the potential of all employees, providing a favorable moral and psychological microclimate, conditions for creative self-realization, professional, personal and scientific growth of the department staff
The Department of Design, Construction of Buildings and Earthquake Engineering is a major and trains graduates in the following areas
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Kyrgyz Civil Engineering Institute named after N. Isanov Design, construction of buildings and earthquake-resistant construction
The Department of Design, Construction of Buildings and Earthquake Engineering was established by the Rector's Order No1/157 of 03.07.2006. on the basis of two departments "Architectonics" and "Technology and Organization of Construction".
Mission of the Department of "DCB&EE"
To ensure the quality of training of specialists in the field of architectural and construction industry, which meets the general requirements for the training of specialists and employers, taking into account world experience. To ensure the quality of scientific research and improve the level of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
The purpose of the department is to create the necessary conditions for obtaining a quality education aimed at the formation, development, professional formation of the individual on the basis of national and universal values, achievements of science and practice.
The main tasks of the department are:
- organization and implementation of the educational process, methodological, research, innovation and civic-patriotic work that meets modern requirements for the training of qualified competitive personnel;
- training of qualified specialists with professional competencies in the field of architecture and construction;
- conducting scientific research with the involvement of bachelors and masters, disseminating and promoting scientific knowledge in the field of architecture and construction.
- creating conditions for work and full disclosure of the potential of all employees, providing a favorable moral and psychological microclimate, conditions for creative self-realization, professional, personal and scientific growth of the department staff
The Department of Design, Construction of Buildings and Earthquake Engineering is a major and trains graduates in the following areas