Institute of Technology


The Institute of Technology is one of the oldest institutes of the Polytechnic University and a leader in technological education. It is a basic educational and scientific center in the Central Asian region, which trains highly sought-after specialists for the food and light industry.

The Technological Institute today has 1,000 students from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan; highly professional teachers, including: doctors and candidates of sciences, professors, associate professors, "Honored Workers of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic", "Excellent students of public education of the Kyrgyz Republic".




The Institute of Technology has 4 departments.:

Graduating departments

 «Technology of food production» - head.  Elemanova R.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor;

 «Technology of light industry products» - head.  Chimchikova M.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

 «Technology of public catering products» - head.  Chair Koshoeva T.R., Ph.D., Associate Professor

 «Chemistry and Chemical Technologies» - Head  Molokanova D.A., senior lecturer

The departments of the Institute implement the educational process in accordance with licenses, curricula developed on the basis of State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education and sample curricula approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic for Technical and Technological Education.

The Institute implements 6 bachelor's degree programs (full-time); 4 by correspondence.

Joint educational programs are being implemented with foreign universities (Russia, Germany):

- educational programs: "Technology and production of food of animal origin", "Technology of public catering products" with Altai State Technical University named after I.I.Polzunov (according to the 2+2 system);

- under the educational program "Technology and design of light industry products" with the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau, Germany

An agreement has been drawn up on the implementation of 5 joint educational programs with Almaty Technological University: "Technology of meat and meat products"; "Technology of milk and dairy products"; "Technology of canned food and food concentrates"; "Standardization, certification and metrology"; "Technology of bread, pasta and confectionery"; by reference.

In 2024, with the assistance of GIZ, a project was implemented to create a PhD program in the field of Food Technology. The Doctoral School of KSTU named after I. Razzakov was established, which enrolled 5 people. The Project Leader is M. M. Moslemanova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

International academic mobility is being successfully implemented in the format of universities in the Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Germany, Hungary, etc. by the link

71 people study at the Institute's Master's degree program in 6 educational programs.Postgraduate study.

There are 3 doctoral students, 2 PhD doctors, 2 full-time and 7 part-time postgraduate students, as well as 2 applicants.

In order to improve the quality of teaching, teachers from leading educational centers in Russia, Germany, Latvia, Kazakhstan, etc. are invited to the Institute. The departments of the Institute are equipped with modern equipment, instruments, computer equipment, connected to the Internet, the university server, which ensures a high level of quality of the educational process.

The educational and laboratory base of the Institute makes it possible to fully ensure the high quality of the implementation of the Institute's educational programs. The educational and material base of TI was strengthened due to the introduction of the Technologist Training and Practical Center (UOC) into the educational process (World Bank grant), the Personnel Industry Training and Practical Center, the Department of Technology of Light Industry Products (grant from the Government of Switzerland and KSTU).

The educational and material base of the Technological Institute has been strengthened by the Republican Competence Center for the Training and Retraining of cooks and kitchen staff of educational organizations in Kyrgyzstan (RCC), which was established on November 3, 2022 on the basis of the I. Razzakov KSTU.

The RCC was established with financial support from the Russian government and technical support from the Russian Institute of Industrial Nutrition (SIFI), and it aims to train and improve the professional skills of chefs, kitchen workers, and staff involved in organizing school meals for the sustainable and effective implementation of the National School Nutrition Program in the country. Department of Catering Technology, the computer classes of the Institute, the modernization of the laboratory base of the departments has been carried out. (link)

According to the GIZ project "Vocational Education and Training in Central Asia – I", new office equipment was supplied to the laboratory of the Department of Food Production Technology. Established: organoleptic laboratory of "Specmicrobiology". Under the project “Higher Education for Food Production systems and standards” (HECAFS), equipment and devices were obtained. The laboratories "Materials Science", "Technology of sewing products" of the department "Technology of light Industry products" have been updated, the computer classes of the institute are equipped with modern equipment and software, allow for high-quality training of technologists and designers for light industry. The UOC "Industry of Personnel" provides training for technologists and seamstresses using modern computer programs in the industry.

The faculty of the Institute is actively engaged in scientific research on topical issues of modern science: rational use of natural resources, environmental and health protection, biotechnological research in the production of functional products, composite materials based on basalt, etc. They successfully carry out joint projects and scientific research with colleagues from near and far abroad (Moscow State University, RCTU, KazGU, ATU, SPbGUPTD, Obuda University, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Lithuania, etc.)

Employment of graduates. The demand for TI graduates is at a high level of 80-100%. It should be noted that the light industry of Kyrgyzstan has reached the international level largely thanks to graduates, technologists and designers of the Department of Technology and Design of Sewing Products of the I. Razzakov KSTU, which was formed a little over 30 years ago. Among the graduates of the Institute are deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh (6th convocation) of the Kyrgyz Republic: Zhamaldinov Z.I., Mavlyanova M.E., Tumanbayeva R.M., Vice-president of Stuart Essay and Innovative Laboratories Ltd. Sadyrov O.A., Rector of the Technological University of Tajikistan Amanzoda I.T., First Vice-rector of KTU "Manas" Kulmyrzaev A.A., Minister of Uzplodoovoshchinprom A. Ayupov (Republic of Uzbekistan), Deputy Minister of Uzmyasomolprom A. Mukhammedov, 1st Deputy Head of the city administration Andijan Ziyaev B., Deputy Head of the Tashkent district Administration Muminov A., Vice-rector for Science and Implementation of the Technological University of Tajikistan Khakimov G.K., General Director of the Nur-stroy construction company Kanaev N.R., General Director of the Khujant dairy plant Rakhmonov A., director of the Namangan dairy plant Khamdamov N., director of the dairy plant G.Isfara Rakhmatova S. The quality of training of specialists of the Technological Institute always meets the requirements of the time. TI graduates with a unified set of knowledge in fundamental, engineering and special disciplines, proficient in computer technology, programming and foreign languages are able to easily and quickly adapt to the production process of enterprises, can work in responsible areas of any structure (public, private), create their own business, becoming entrepreneurs, head enterprises, organizations of any level.