Educational work
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Educational work
In 2020-21 academic year biennium 309 students were recruited for the I course: daytime training 285 people, distance learning 24 people;
The annual enrollment for the first year of the TF (~ 300 people) indicates a stable demand for the educational programs of the faculty;
For freshmen, in order to adapt them to the educational process, an Orientation week was organized (08.24.20-20.08.2028), during which the following activities were carried out: freshmen were issued "Information packages"
the students got acquainted with the dean of the TF, deputies for SD and BP, heads of profiling departments, academic advisers and curators.
freshmen explained the functions, rights and obligations of students, employees of the dean's office, departments, academic. advisers, curators;
the educational system, credit technology are explained, students are familiarized with the structure of the university, faculty, departments, educational and laboratory facilities;
students are familiar with the history of the university and its traditions; clarified the organization of a rational system of study and recreation;
the division of language streams was carried out by the departments "Kyrgyz tili", "Russian language" and "Foreign language";
placement of students in the hostel was carried out.
In 2020/21 academic year biennium the contingent of students -1333 people, including 937 in full-time and 342 in distance learning, incl. by courses and groups; 52 people study in the magistracy on 6 educational programs of the TF, incl. on the 1st year - 28 people, on the 2nd year - 22 people; l
There are 17 graduate students studying at the TF postgraduate school. 14 people study under the budget, 3 people under contract;
The implementation of educational programs is being carried out: day training in 9 areas, 16 profiles of day training and 5 areas and 8 profiles of distance learning. The educational process is implemented in accordance with the principles of the Bologna process and credit technology; 4 new educational programs were opened in accordance with the labor market conditions: "Environmental Design", "Technology of Leather Products", "Safety and Quality of Food Production", "Fashion Design";
3 joint educational programs (SOP) with foreign universities (Russia, Germany) are being implemented:
- "Chemical technologies" (with the Tyumen Industrial University, Altai Technical University); "Technology of meat and meat products" (with Altai State Technical University); “Technology and Design of Light Industry Products” (with West Saxon University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau, Germany);
An agreement on the implementation of 5 SOPs was concluded with the Almaty Technological University: "Technology of meat and meat products"; "Technology of milk and dairy products"; "Technology of canned food and food concentrates"; "Standardization, certification and metrology"; "Technology of bread, pasta and confectionery";
Attendance of classes of students of the TF (85-95% on average) is under the constant control of the dean's office of the TF. Monitoring the availability of students in the classroom is daily. All information on the verification of classes is transferred to the Educational Department, discussed at the departments of the TF;
The progress of full-time students (2017 / 18-2019 / 20 academic year) is 70%, 71%. 77%. There is a tendency to an increase in academic performance (up to 79%); link
Analysis of the performance of-time students for the same period shows a slight increase in academic performance from 61% (2017-2018 academic year) to 70% (2019-2020 academic year) in the spring semester.
Defense of the FQP: full-time training from 176 admitted people. handed over 171 people. (97%), incl. defended as "excellent" - 80 people, for "good" - 75 people, for "satisfactory" - 16 people;
by correspondence course of the admitted 28 people. defended 28 people (100%), incl.
excellent - 11 people; good - 11; satisfactory -6 people; link
The topics of the FQP at the departments are directly related to the problems of enterprises and organizations, where students undergo pre-diploma, pre-qualification practice. When choosing topics for the WRC, the main attention is paid to such issues as relevance, proposals of representatives of enterprises. Students engaged in research work carry out FQPs of a research nature on topics relevant to the food and light industry; link
In the 2019/20 academic year, 22 works with a scientific section and 12 works were completed by order of enterprises;
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Faculties TF Educational work
In 2020-21 academic year biennium 309 students were recruited for the I course: daytime training 285 people, distance learning 24 people;
The annual enrollment for the first year of the TF (~ 300 people) indicates a stable demand for the educational programs of the faculty;
For freshmen, in order to adapt them to the educational process, an Orientation week was organized (08.24.20-20.08.2028), during which the following activities were carried out: freshmen were issued "Information packages"
the students got acquainted with the dean of the TF, deputies for SD and BP, heads of profiling departments, academic advisers and curators.
freshmen explained the functions, rights and obligations of students, employees of the dean's office, departments, academic. advisers, curators;
the educational system, credit technology are explained, students are familiarized with the structure of the university, faculty, departments, educational and laboratory facilities;
students are familiar with the history of the university and its traditions; clarified the organization of a rational system of study and recreation;
the division of language streams was carried out by the departments "Kyrgyz tili", "Russian language" and "Foreign language";
placement of students in the hostel was carried out.
In 2020/21 academic year biennium the contingent of students -1333 people, including 937 in full-time and 342 in distance learning, incl. by courses and groups; 52 people study in the magistracy on 6 educational programs of the TF, incl. on the 1st year - 28 people, on the 2nd year - 22 people; l
There are 17 graduate students studying at the TF postgraduate school. 14 people study under the budget, 3 people under contract;
The implementation of educational programs is being carried out: day training in 9 areas, 16 profiles of day training and 5 areas and 8 profiles of distance learning. The educational process is implemented in accordance with the principles of the Bologna process and credit technology; 4 new educational programs were opened in accordance with the labor market conditions: "Environmental Design", "Technology of Leather Products", "Safety and Quality of Food Production", "Fashion Design";
3 joint educational programs (SOP) with foreign universities (Russia, Germany) are being implemented:
- "Chemical technologies" (with the Tyumen Industrial University, Altai Technical University); "Technology of meat and meat products" (with Altai State Technical University); “Technology and Design of Light Industry Products” (with West Saxon University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau, Germany);
An agreement on the implementation of 5 SOPs was concluded with the Almaty Technological University: "Technology of meat and meat products"; "Technology of milk and dairy products"; "Technology of canned food and food concentrates"; "Standardization, certification and metrology"; "Technology of bread, pasta and confectionery";
Attendance of classes of students of the TF (85-95% on average) is under the constant control of the dean's office of the TF. Monitoring the availability of students in the classroom is daily. All information on the verification of classes is transferred to the Educational Department, discussed at the departments of the TF;
The progress of full-time students (2017 / 18-2019 / 20 academic year) is 70%, 71%. 77%. There is a tendency to an increase in academic performance (up to 79%); link
Analysis of the performance of-time students for the same period shows a slight increase in academic performance from 61% (2017-2018 academic year) to 70% (2019-2020 academic year) in the spring semester.
Defense of the FQP: full-time training from 176 admitted people. handed over 171 people. (97%), incl. defended as "excellent" - 80 people, for "good" - 75 people, for "satisfactory" - 16 people;
by correspondence course of the admitted 28 people. defended 28 people (100%), incl.
excellent - 11 people; good - 11; satisfactory -6 people; link
The topics of the FQP at the departments are directly related to the problems of enterprises and organizations, where students undergo pre-diploma, pre-qualification practice. When choosing topics for the WRC, the main attention is paid to such issues as relevance, proposals of representatives of enterprises. Students engaged in research work carry out FQPs of a research nature on topics relevant to the food and light industry; link
In the 2019/20 academic year, 22 works with a scientific section and 12 works were completed by order of enterprises;