Educational programs of the faculty

Departments of the faculty implement the educational process in accordance with licenses, curricula developed on the basis of the State educational standards of higher professional education and sample curricula approved by the UMO for technical and technological education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The faculty implements 9 educational programs in the undergraduate system (full-time education); 5 correspondence courses using distance learning

All necessary licenses and certificates are available.


Heads of Departments

"Technology of food production"  

M.M. Musulmanova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor

"Technology of canning"          


R.Sh. Elemanova, Candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor

"Technology of products catering"   


T.R. Koshoeva, Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

"Technology products of light industry"  


 Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor

"Russian language"


J.S. Barsanaeva, Acting assistant professor.

 "Chemistry and chemical technologies"
 Syrymbekova E.I.. Ph.D. assistant professor