Research work

At the origins of the Technological Faculty’s science development were: candidates of science, associate professors: K.S. Cheshev, F.E. Dychenko, Zh.O. Omurzakov, A.S. Moisenko, N.B. Barelko, L.K. Gerasimova, S.K. Seytpaeva, U.Sh. Shabdanbekov, etc.

Faculty scientists are actively engaged in research on current problems of modern science: rational use of natural resources, environmental and health protection, biotechnological research in the production of functional products, basalt-based composite materials, etc. They successfully carry out joint projects and research with colleagues from near and far abroad (MSU, RCSTU, KazGU, ATU, MTIPP, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, USA, etc.).

It should be included to the main results of the Chemistry and Chemical Technologies department’s researchers work, performed under the guidance of professors M.B Batkibekova, T.Sh. Dzhunushalieva, D.B. Borbiyeva and the development of a number of new technologies for industrial production, such as: technology for the disposal of waste (refined slag) and waste electrolyte from antimony production of the Kadamzhai antimony plant; ecologically safe technology of thiocarbamide extraction of gold from concentrates of refractory gold-bearing ores from the Tereksai, Dolpran, Ishtamberdy (KR) deposits; thiocarbamide technology for extracting gold from refractory gold-bearing ores from the Dolpran deposit (KR); studies on the arsenic withdrawal from the technological scheme of the thiocarbamide leaching of gold from gold-arsenic containing ore concentrates of Ishtamberdy deposit; study of the content of toxic metals and microbiological pollutants in the natural waters of the north of the Kyrgyz Republic, the development of an express method for purifying drinking water, etc.

Professorial - teaching staff of the Technology of food products producing department under the guidance of professors M.M. Musulmanova, A.J. Jamakeeva, T.A. Suponina, A.Sh. Mambetova engaged in the development of scientific and practical principles of creating food with desired properties (functional), improving the technology and technology of processing bio-raw materials of animal origin (milk, meat) in order to create products with anti-stress, adaptogenic, tonic, stimulating and radioprotective properties; preparation for the introduction of new technologies into production.

In recent years, a number of food industry enterprises have tested and introduced a number of developments in the Department of Food Production Technologies, including: a pilot industrial test was conducted on the technology of the new sour-milk Tokchuluk drink (Eridan-sut); technology of fermented milk drink “Tokchuluk” was introduced at OJSC “Elvest”; technology of whey drink "Dan-A" introduced on "Elet-sut"; whey drink "Bozodoy", adopted for implementation by a private entrepreneur; technology for the production of fermented milk product with dietary fiber and Jerusalem artichoke introduced at JSC "ElVest"; The technology of fresh cheese with high antioxidant activity has been introduced at ElVest OJSC and others.

Software has been developed for the calculation of the chemical composition and basic indicators of the biological value of meat products (A.Dzh. Jamakeeva, A.Zh. Ashymova). The work was awarded the Diploma "For the best innovative product" of the International Youth Forum, Issyk-Kul, 2017; as well as the Diploma of first-degree and the prize at the “Fair of Ideas” of GIZ, 2017. Employees of the same department were awarded the diplomas of the II degree and the III degree respectively.

Researchers of the department "Technology of canning" (TK) received an act of introduction into the production of JSC "Ayazmar" drink "Maxym" (author Assoc. Prof. D.A. Kodzhegulova). Introduced into the production of the LLC “Makiy Dan”, blasted grains “Badyrak vanilla”, “Badyrak chocolate” (the author is Acting Assoc. Prof. N. Konkubayeva) The new fermented whey drink “Bozodoy” has been introduced into the production of individual entrepreneur Zarlykova (author assoc. Prof. R.Sh. Elemanova).


In the format "Resource Saving in the Food Industry, Environmental and Health Protection ", the Department "Food Engineering" develops "Methods of structural synthesis of the third family of mechanisms" (A.E. Sadieva), "Improvement of equipment and technology of spray drying of agricultural products and materials" (S. V. Kochneva), "Methods of synthesis of materials" (A.A. Abdiraimov).

The head of Department of "Higher School of Design" K.K. Koenaliev implemented in KSTU named after I. Razzakov the souvenirs and presentations in media programs. He also developed the State Standard of the Kyrgyz Republic. КМС1303: 2017, introduced as the National Standard for Publishers and Printing Enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic. The series of paintings and graphic works implemented by associate professors K.K. Koenaliev, S. Adyshev, T. Zabidinov, A.A. Momunaliyev introduced as illustrations in the book and magazine products of Kyrgyzstan and foreign countries. Development of school uniform of senior teacher A.T. Turganbaev was awarded the 3rd degree diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Scientists of the department "Technology products of light industry" under the guidance of Professor A.S. Imankulova, and head of the department I.A. Rysbaeva developed new composite materials that have found application in various industries:

- textile composite material with knitted basis (A.S. Imankulova), Kara-Balta plant of food boilers;

- an outsole for special shoes (A.S. Imankulova, M.K. Chimchikova, N.I. Tagaeva, A.M. Chukbayeva), Hermes LLC;

-New composite material for special purposes (I.A. Rysbaeva), Fire Department of the Chui region;

- textile reinforcing base (A.S. Imankulova, I.A. Rysbaeva, N.K. Turusbekova), Construction company “IHLAS”;

-complex composite material (A.S. Imankulova, I.A. Rysbaeva, N.K. Turusbekova), 2007 JSC "Ak Maral";

- multi-layer composite material and method of its manufacture (A.S. Imankulova, I.A. Rysbaeva, N.K. Turusbekova ), JSC Aliya;

- a device for producing nonwoven material (A.S. Imankulova, I.A. Rysbaeva, N.K. Turusbekova, A.S. Shabdanova), an emergency for the production of nonwoven materials “Aykul”;

-new collection of models for medical dentists (F. Maslyanova), Media Plus.

The results of the research of the department "Artistic design of products" are presented at the Personal exhibitions of associate professors E.E. Lysogorov, K.B. Akmatov. The associate professors of the department A. Momunaliev and E. Lysogorov were awarded the Diplomas of the International Confederation of the Union of Artists, Moscow.

Associate Professor B.Zh. Mambetova awarded the badge "The Best Culture Worker of the Kyrgyz Republic".

A student of the department "Technology of light industry products" Janyl Abdyldaeva created in collaboration with Assol Moldokmatova a collection of felt and silk "A longer than a century", with which she took part in a number of events outside the country. With a new collection, a student participated in an event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Chyngyz Aytmatov, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 2018. She participated in a fashion show with the Evolution collection, Ankara, 2018.

The victory of student E. Zabolotneva in the international competition “Ethnomoda” and “Admiralty Needle” in St. Petersburg  should be attributed to the achievements of the department of “ Artistic Designing of Products”.  B. Mambetova, E. Khalanskaya, associate professor E.E.  Lysogorov was awarded the government award “Honored Worker of Culture of the Kyrgyz Republic”.

Prof. M. B. Batkibekova for active and inventive activity was awarded the Gold Medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2012.  The head of the light industry department prof. A.S. Imankulova awarded State Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2010, in the field of science and technology and the title of laureate.

3 monographs, 99 articles were published in 2017/18, including 60 in scientific journals from the RSCI , the research results were reported at 116 republican and 47 international scientific and practical conferences, 5 patents of the Kyrgyz Republic were received, 7 inventions executed in the form of applications for a patent of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The doctoral dissertation of A.Dzh. Jamakeeva is ready for defense, and in the work stage there are doctoral dissertations of A. Usupkozhoeva, R. Elemanova. Candidate theses were prepared for the defense by E.I. Syrymbekova, D.S. Kudaibergenova, G.A. Narkozieva, J.A. Barsanaeva.

The students are actively involved in the scientific work of the Technological Faculty. The work is carried out stage by stage: in the undergraduate courses - this is a scientific summarization, the study of research methods, then participation in the experiment and research under the guidance of a teacher.

The faculty has created all the necessary conditions for the scientific activities of young scientists and students. For research, more than 15 laboratories of the TF departments, TPC "Technologist", laboratories and workshops of the departments "Technology of light industry products" and "Artistic product design" ("Saima") are used. The university regularly holds conferences of young scientists, graduate students and students, awards diplomas, publishes collections of conference materials.

Young scientists, graduate students and students of TF take an active part in the annual scientific conferences of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov. So in the "60th International Jubilee Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists, graduate students, undergraduates and students" in the sections: "Chemical Technologies and New Materials", "Food Technology", "Technology of Textile and Light Industry" and "Mechanics and Robotics" 98 reports were heard, 12 participants were awarded with diplomas of 1,2,3 degrees.

At the plenary session, a student R. Nogoeva made a presentation on the topic “The use of various marinades in the production of a new product from yak meat”; the scientific advisers were B.S. Tamabaeva and G.B. Ashirbekova. The exhibition of student works featured exhibits, models, products of students from all departments of the Technological Faculty. In 2018 the collections “Heritage and development of national clothes” and “Kyrgyz zherim” were recognized as the best scientific and technical developments made by students  J. Abdyldaeva, scientific adviser was M.O. Sydygalieva, and made by the student M. Kurmanbayev, scientific advisor was  B.ZH. Mambetova.

Research work