The international cooperation
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
The international cooperation
Technological Faculty grants
• World Bank Grant ($ 1.5 million) - to create the only Technological Training and Practical Center for Food and Processing Industry (EPC) in Central Asia. There are 4 production workshops: meat processing, milk processing, bakery production and confectionery. It is equipped with modern equipment (Italy, Spain, and Russia). There are laboratories: chemical, microbiological, sensory, training halls, a library, and a workshop for processing fruits and vegetables is not equipped due to lack of finance;
• Grants for the regional program of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) “Vocational Education and Training in Central Asia – 1”. An office of GIZ is opened. A microbiological and organoleptic laboratory work; instruments and equipment have been obtained at “the Milk Technology laboratory”; two solar drying plants were put into operation in organoleptic laboratory. The total amount of 5.5 million soms;
• Implemented projects under the grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, in the amount of 1.602 thousand soms (supervisors M.M. Musulmanova, T.Sh. Dzhunushalieva);
• According to the project “Vocational education and training in Central Asia – I” (2012-2019) laboratory and office equipment was supplied in the laboratory of the department “Food production technology”. Organoleptic laboratory and the laboratory of “Special Microbiology” have created. Drying units for fruits and vegetables have installed. The total amount of GIZ financial investments is over € 30,000;
• Department “Technology canning” received equipment worth over 2 million soms Equipment and devices (Monocular microscope B-151, Dry air thermostat IF30, Steam sterilizer UTKBS-50V, etc.) were obtained under the project “Higher Education for Food Production Systems and Standards” (HECAFS). Modern microbiology laboratory was opened by the Erasmus + project format in this department;
• Co-financed by the Switzerland Government and KSTU named after I. Razzakov under the MTA project, work is underway to create a Training Center for light industry;
• Grant Erazmus + (€ 90,000) Professor D. Kochegulova won the project “Higher education for the food system of standards” (2016 - 2019) (Department “Technology of canning”);
• Grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (600 thousand soms annually) for the implementation of competitive topics were carried out by researchers from the Chemistry and Chemical Technology departments and the Food Technology department (2012–2016). Supervisors: Professor T. Sh. Dzhunushalieva, Professor M.M. Musulmanova.
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Faculties TF The international cooperation
Technological Faculty grants
• World Bank Grant ($ 1.5 million) - to create the only Technological Training and Practical Center for Food and Processing Industry (EPC) in Central Asia. There are 4 production workshops: meat processing, milk processing, bakery production and confectionery. It is equipped with modern equipment (Italy, Spain, and Russia). There are laboratories: chemical, microbiological, sensory, training halls, a library, and a workshop for processing fruits and vegetables is not equipped due to lack of finance;
• Grants for the regional program of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) “Vocational Education and Training in Central Asia – 1”. An office of GIZ is opened. A microbiological and organoleptic laboratory work; instruments and equipment have been obtained at “the Milk Technology laboratory”; two solar drying plants were put into operation in organoleptic laboratory. The total amount of 5.5 million soms;
• Implemented projects under the grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, in the amount of 1.602 thousand soms (supervisors M.M. Musulmanova, T.Sh. Dzhunushalieva);
• According to the project “Vocational education and training in Central Asia – I” (2012-2019) laboratory and office equipment was supplied in the laboratory of the department “Food production technology”. Organoleptic laboratory and the laboratory of “Special Microbiology” have created. Drying units for fruits and vegetables have installed. The total amount of GIZ financial investments is over € 30,000;
• Department “Technology canning” received equipment worth over 2 million soms Equipment and devices (Monocular microscope B-151, Dry air thermostat IF30, Steam sterilizer UTKBS-50V, etc.) were obtained under the project “Higher Education for Food Production Systems and Standards” (HECAFS). Modern microbiology laboratory was opened by the Erasmus + project format in this department;
• Co-financed by the Switzerland Government and KSTU named after I. Razzakov under the MTA project, work is underway to create a Training Center for light industry;
• Grant Erazmus + (€ 90,000) Professor D. Kochegulova won the project “Higher education for the food system of standards” (2016 - 2019) (Department “Technology of canning”);
• Grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (600 thousand soms annually) for the implementation of competitive topics were carried out by researchers from the Chemistry and Chemical Technology departments and the Food Technology department (2012–2016). Supervisors: Professor T. Sh. Dzhunushalieva, Professor M.M. Musulmanova.