The head of the department is Ph.D of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Omurov Zhyrgalbek Makeshovich. Address: 720044, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, 66 Chingiz Aitmatov Ave, campus 1, building 2, room 528. Phone: 54-88-17; 54-51-76. Email:,
The department includes Ph.D of Science, Associate professors with extensive teaching experience, as well as young teachers.
All members of the departments have close ties and various collaborations with international organizations and foundations, universities of the CIS countries, which helps future students of our departments enter the global educational sphere, become a member of the International Student Brotherhood and continue their studies at universities in Russia and leading countries of the world.
Department prepares students:
Bachelor's degree for:
760300 “ Technosphere safety ” by profiles:
1. Safety of technological processes and production;
2. Protection in emergency;
3. Environmental protection.
Academic degree: "Bachelor of Science". Form of study available: full-time and part-time. Duration: 4 years (full-time); 5 years (part-time).
Master's degree for:
760300 "Technosphere safety" by profiles:
1. Safety of technological processes and production;
2. Protection in emergency;
3. Environmental protection engineering
4. Industrial ecology.
Academic degree: "Master of Science". Form of study available: full-time and part-time. Duration: 2 years (full-time); 2.5 years (part-time).
Department of «Technosphere safety» has a State license for the right to provide educational activities for the preparation of bachelor and master students in the field of higher professional education in the spheres are given, the decision of the State Inspectorate for Licensing and Accreditation (Certification) under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic: Bachelor - license series №LD170001104 Registration number 17/0325 of 2017. Indefinite; Master - license series №LD145000038 Registration number 14/0518 of 2014. Indefinite.