Department history

History of the Department "Technosphere Safety" Head of the Department - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zh.M. Omurov On July 2, 2018, on the basis of the addition of the specialties "Safety of technological processes and production" and "Protection in emergency situations and ecology" by the decision of the Academic Council of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, on the basis of order No. 92, a new department "Technosphere safety" was formed. Currently, the teaching staff of the department includes: 7 associate professors, 3 senior teachers, 3 teachers, 1 engineer, 3 laboratory assistant. So historically, the department "Labor protection" was formed in 1968 by the decision of the FPI Council. The first head of the department was Cand. tech. Associate Professor M.B., Boobekov. In 1968, Associate Professor A.G. was elected to the post of head of the department. Tabakov. In 1973 the department was headed by Cand. tech. Sciences A.A. Shaimergenov. In 1975, the department was headed by Associate Professor V.A. Kalinkin. In 1981 senior lecturer V.I. Nikanorov. In 1988, the head of the department was elected Cand. tech. sciences associate professor V.V. Voloskov. Since 1990, the Department of Labor Safety was transformed into the Department of Life Safety. In 1993, the head of the department was elected Cand. tech. Associate Professor E.K. Azhibaev. In 1994, the list of disciplines of the department included the discipline "Ecology". In 1997, on the basis of the affiliation of the departments, the Department of Heat Engineering and Life Safety was created. The head of the department was appointed candidate of technical sciences, professor Sankov Vyacheslav Ivanovich. In 2017, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Omurov Jyrgalbek Makeshovich was appointed head of the Department of Heating Engineering and Life Safety. Students together with teachers annually speak at scientific and technical conferences of young scientists and students. In 2005, by the decision of the Academic Council of KSTU named after Razzakov created the Department of Protection in Emergency Situations.Ibraev K.S. was appointed the head of the department. From 2006 to 2018, the head of the department was the candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor Kalchoroev A.K. In 2019, an agreement was signed between the departments of "Technosphere Safety" of the Kyrgyz State Technical University. I. Razzakov and "life safety" of the Novosibirsk State Technical University for the joint preparation of training for bachelors and masters in the direction of "Technosphere Safety". For the implementation of the agreement between the universities, from the moment of signing, work has been carried out in this direction, namely, joint teaching materials, methodological instructions and teaching aids are being developed. In order to implement the quality of education and academic mobility, teachers are working online to exchange experience with students. In the future, an opportunity for training is expected to improve the qualifications of teachers. In February 2014, the department received a license to train engineers in the Technosphere Safety direction, Fire Safety profile. The department trains bachelors and masters in the direction 760300 "Technosphere safety" in the following profiles:

- Safety of technological processes and production;

- Protection in emergency situations;