For the entrant

For the entrant

Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakova, Faculty of Power Engineering, Direction "Technosphere Safety". Profile: "Information technologies in Technosphere security", "Automation and safe operation of gas supply systems", "Safety of technological processes and production",  "Protection in emergency situations". Bachelors of this profile are prepared for production and technological, organizational and managerial, design and development and research activities in the field of creation and operation of equipment used in industrial enterprises, in production facilities and power plants in accordance with the received specialization.
Graduates by profile can work in industrial enterprises, in scientific, design and design organizations. As a result of mastering theoretical knowledge, practical and research skills, a specialist should be able to:
· To carry out design and design and calculation work on the creation and implementation of new types of equipment in industry and production;
· To carry out production and operational tests and provide installation and commissioning works;
· To develop and organize production processes, to operate and repair equipment;
· To promote the introduction and widespread dissemination of new progressive technological processes and an advanced method of labor organization;
· To own rational methods of searching and novelty of scientific and technical information. The Department of Technosphere Safety prepares bachelors and masters in full-time and part-time (distance) forms of education. The Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic allocates a grant to applicants who have successfully passed the entrance tests. Head of the department- associate professor Kozubai Iskender, tel. 56 14 98; lecture hall 2/519 Responsible Tashtanbaeva V.O. Tel. 54 51 76 The main directions of future professional activity: -production sphere (engineering and technical, managerial, line personnel);
-management and marketing of the production area on labor safety issues;
-organization and management of labor safety in industry;
-providing industrial, fire and environmental safety of modern production;
-work in legal and administrative bodies on labor safety issues;
-development, production and supply of collective and personal protective equipment;
-examination and audit of environmental, industrial and industrial safety management systems;
-system of training and vocational training on occupational safety and environmental issues. -organization and performance of works on design, construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation,
-manufacturing, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of technical devices used at potentially hazardous production facilities.
-In the apparatus and structural divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations -In the search and rescue services of the Ministry of Emergencies.
- Heads of civil defense and emergency situations at large industrial enterprises of heat power engineering and mechanical engineering.
Future professions: occupational safety engineer, fire safety engineer, industrial safety engineer, safety engineer, environmental safety engineer, technical supervision engineer, inspector of state supervision and control, expert in industrial, fire and environmental safety, manager of industrial safety, security and risk analyst.
Places of employment: after graduating from university and obtaining bachelor's and specialist's qualifications, graduates have the opportunity to find employment in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Committee for Industry, Energy and Subsoil Use, the State Environmental and Technical Inspection under the GKR, the Technical Labor Inspection, Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan, at the basic enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of the republic: facilities of the enterprises of LLC Gazprom-Kyrgyzstan, 
LLC Gazprom Neft, TPP, Severelectro, Vostokelectro, ChuPVES, Teplokommunenergo, NESK, enterprises operating heating networks, boiler houses and boiler-auxiliary equipment, lifting and transport equipment, equipment operating under overpressure and at other production facilities. The structure of the Department of Technosphere Safety, Faculty of Energy:
* Teaching staff - 13 people.
٭ Associate professors - 7 people
٭ Senior Lecturer - 3 people.
٭ Teachers - 3 people.
٭ Educational support staff - 4 people.

Welcome entrant