The Department of Water Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks (WORG) trains specialists in full-time and distance learning and a multi-level system - bachelor, master, specialist, PhD in 2 areas:
630001 "Applied Geology"
630400 "Oil and Gas Engineering
- specialization "Prospecting and Exploration of Groundwater and Engineering-Geological Surveys"; - specialization "Geology of Oil and Gas"; - program "Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields"; - program "Drilling of Oil and Gas Wells". The Department of WORG is a center for training engineers in groundwater prospecting and exploration, engineering and geological surveys, rational nature management, protection and defense of the geological environment in the context of intensive development of water management and the mining industry, forecasting and monitoring natural disasters and geohazards, seismic construction, forecasting and preventing geological processes at mining enterprises, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields, development and operation of oil and gas fields.
The department has laboratories "Hydrogeology", "Hydrogeodynamics", "Engineering-geological analysis of soils". In 2021, the laboratory "Engineering-geological analysis of soils".
In 2021, a branch of the department was organized at the Central Asian Institute of Applied Geosciences, on the basis of which a master's program for training highly qualified master's specialists is being implemented (the "Georisks" program). The branch staff conducts lectures and laboratory classes; supervises diploma projects, scientific research on the topics of CAIAG, writing master's theses and final qualification works; industrial practices.
The department cooperates with related universities of the Russian Federation, China, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, enterprises and organizations in industries, with which more than 20 cooperation agreements have been concluded.
Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov and the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, over the past three years (from the 2021-2024 academic year), students of the department have been undergoing exchange hydrogeological practice (academic mobility) at the Zvenigorod testing ground of Moscow State University. An agreement on the same practice has been reached with the Ural State Mining University (Ekaterinburg, Russia) and negotiations are underway with the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University.
The department's staff have written and published, individually and in collaboration, 14 monographs, more than 20 books and textbooks. Articles are published in indexed international and national journals.
The department took part in the international educational projects of the European Union TEMPUS for the implementation of the Master's educational program "Sustainable Water Management in Central Asia" ("SWAN" 2011-2014) and ERASMUS+ "Development of interdisciplinary postgraduate programs and strengthening research networks in the field of geoinformation technologies in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan" (GeoTAK from 2021-2024) for the implementation of the PhD program.
The opportunity to combine work and study in the master's program. Master's students often find work while still studying. At the same time, a significant part of graduates get a job in their specialty.
Address: 720077, Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Chui Ave. 164, building 12, aud.2/28