
Groundwater is part of the Earth's hydrosphere, it includes water located on the surface of the earth in the pores and voids of rocks. Groundwater is the most precious mineral. Hydrogeologists decide how to provide the population with the necessary amount of water, at the same time assessing the impact on the environment. A significant part of hazardous natural processes is associated with changes in water resources, in particular groundwater. Therefore, the study and effective management of this valuable resource is extremely important for the health of people and nature.

The Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks is a research and educational division of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, dynamically developing and having all the necessary conditions for the training of qualified specialists, bachelors, masters, postgraduate students and PhD doctors in the areas of Applied Geology and Oil and Gas Engineering in full-time and part-time forms of training.

About the training programs

Training at the Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks includes a block of engineering and geological disciplines, as well as applied courses in engineering hydrogeology, geology, and oil and gas engineering.

The educational process consists of the following sections:

General disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.);
General geological disciplines (general geology, mineralogy, petrography, geophysics, etc.);
Special disciplines (hydrogeology, engineering geology, oil and gas geology, prospecting and exploration of groundwater, mineral waters, oil and gas hydrogeology, hydrogeoecology, melioration hydrogeology, geoinformation systems, hydrogeological modeling, design and drilling of oil and gas wells, exploration, development and operation of oil and gas fields, collection and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials, etc.).


After the 1st and 2nd years, hydrogeology students, together with other students of the course, undergo summer geological and geodetic practice at the university bases in the Kegety gorge and in the village. Kadji-Sai, and after the 3rd and 4th years, in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement with Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Ural Mining Universities on exchange practices, they travel to Moscow and Yekaterinburg to undergo practical training at the training grounds of these universities, where they get acquainted with all types of modern field research using modern equipment and GIS technologies.

Students of this program study research methods and technologies for searching for groundwater, as well as conducting engineering and geological surveys. The main attention is paid to the practical aspects of work in the field of geology, as well as the development of skills in working with modern equipment and software, the latest software packages for modeling geological environments and hydrogeological processes necessary for successful activities in this field.

Students studying in the oil and gas direction undergo educational and industrial practices at Kyrgyzneftegaz OJSC, which is a large enterprise in the industry, as well as at other state and private companies.

About the profession that can be obtained at the Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks

A hydrogeologist is a specialist in the field of geology who studies the origin, distribution and movement of groundwater. Hydrogeologists study fresh, thermal and mineral groundwater in various hydrogeological conditions to determine their quantity and the possibility of their use for human and industrial needs. Hydrogeologists work in the following areas: melioration hydrogeology, oil and industrial hydrogeology, environmental hydrogeology, engineering hydrogeology, solving complex problems of water resources management.

An engineer-geologist is a specialist who studies the geological features of the earth's crust and their impact on construction, geotechnical projects and environmental protection. The main task of an engineer-geologist is to assess geological risks and develop recommendations to ensure safety during the construction of infrastructure, buildings, roads, as well as during the extraction of minerals. Their work helps prevent accidents and disasters associated with geological factors and ensures the sustainability of cities and infrastructure.

An exploration geologist is a specialist in the field of oil and gas geology, engaged in geological research in order to find minerals, assess natural resources and study geological processes. The main task of an exploration geologist is to collect, analyze and interpret geological data, on the basis of which conclusions are made about the geological structure and composition of rocks

An oil technologist is a specialist in the organization of development, operation of oil and gas fields, capable of skillfully and effectively using the latest equipment and technologies for the extraction, collection and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials.

A specialist in the field of hydrogeology and engineering geology can:

conduct hydrogeological and engineering-geological assessment of the territory;
hydrogeological and engineering-geological studies to justify projects for the construction of various engineering structures;
create systems for monitoring groundwater and important national economic facilities (nuclear power plants, hydraulic structures, hydrocarbon transportation facilities, etc.);
predict the development of negative exogenous geological processes (mudflows, landslides, avalanches, flooding, etc.) and develop measures for their early warning;
carry out diagnosis, forecast and management of the functioning of complex national economic facilities.

Career after completing training in the educational programs of the Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks

Specialists are in demand at oil and gas producing enterprises, scientific and analytical centers and research institutes. The department's graduates are in demand and successfully work at construction-related enterprises, companies engaged in engineering surveys and design, solving a wide range of problems in the field of "underground water and construction".

Our graduates hold positions of institute directors, laboratory heads, leading engineers, research associates, and heads of geological parties.

According to the graduate employment assessment, over the past 5 years, 80-90% of the department's graduates have found employment in their specialties.