Development of intellectual property in Kyrgyzstan: achievements of students and young scientists (28.02.2025)
Kyrgyzstan took part in the First International Dictation on Intellectual Property, organized by the Eurasian Patent Office of the Eurasian Patent Organization (hereinafter referred to as EAPO).
This event became an important platform for testing knowledge and competencies in the field of intellectual property in popularizing intellectual property issues among young people and the academic community of Eurasian countries.
The participants of the dictation were students and postgraduates who had completed training in the programs of network educational tracks of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (hereinafter referred to as RGAIS).
The State Agency for Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzpatent), in close cooperation with RGAIS, played a key role in preparing the participants for the dictation.
From October 14, 2024 to January 31, 2025, a special online network track on intellectual property was implemented on the topic "Intellectual Property - a Driver of Innovative Development in the Eurasian Space".
Within the framework of this track, 45 master's and postgraduate students from leading universities of Kyrgyzstan, such as the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov (hereinafter - KSTU), the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I. Akhunbaev, Bishkek State University named after K. Karasaev, Osh State University, Osh Technological University and the International University of Information Technology, received in-depth knowledge in the field of intellectual property. Graduates of this course had the opportunity to take part in the International Dictation, demonstrating their knowledge and competencies at the international level.
According to the results of the dictation, the first place was taken by Imanalieva Gulzat Mamatisakovna - PhD student, senior lecturer of the Department of Water Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks of the Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U. Asanaliev at KSTU. The winner of the dictation receives the prestigious EAPO award - a targeted grant for participation in the youth direction of the "IP Summer Academy", which will be held in Sochi from July 1 to 5, 2025.
This is a unique opportunity for young scientists and specialists to deepen their knowledge in the field of intellectual property, establish new contacts and exchange experiences with colleagues from different countries.
The award ceremony for the winners will be held as part of the "IP Summer Academy", organized by RGAIS and EAPO. In addition, participants who took 2nd and 3rd places are awarded RGAIS diplomas.
Congratulations to the winner of the First International Dictation on Intellectual Property! We wish you further scientific success, new achievements and productive work in the field of intellectual property!
International Geoforum "UNESCO Geoparks for Sustainable Development and Cooperation", November 28-29, 2024, Almaty
National Water Forum on Rational Use of Water Resources of Kyrgyzstan, Bosteri, November 29, 2024
On November 29, the National Water Forum on the rational use of water resources of Kyrgyzstan in the context of climate change and the preservation of Lake Issyk-Kul was held in the Issyk-Kul region.
The National Water Forum was organized by the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic with the support of the German Society for Cooperation (GIZ) and the World Bank (WB). The forum brought together leading experts and representatives of government agencies, scientific institutions and international donors.
The forum discussed such topics and tasks as national priorities and prospects for the rational use and sustainable development of water resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, scientific and practical solutions, the current state of water resources and glaciers, the impact of climate change on water resources of the Kyrgyz Republic, preserving water resources from depletion and pollution, protecting public health, improving the ecological state of Lake Issyk-Kul, informing about the investment attractiveness of supporting water initiatives.
The forum was attended by the head of the Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks Kasymov M.A.
International Conference on Water and Environment, Almaty, November 18-22, 2024
An international conference was held in Almaty from November 18 to 22 within the framework of the USAID Regional Water and Environment Project.
The goal of the Regional Project is to strengthen technical capacity and regional cooperation in water resources management in Central Asia to increase stability, achieve economic prosperity and preserve ecosystems. The conference was attended by representatives of government agencies, the educational community, non-governmental organizations, the local community, young researchers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
On the sidelines of the Conference, meetings were held between the head of the Department of Water Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks Kasymov M. with colleagues from the regions on cooperation issues, in particular, discussions were held with representatives of the Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering and Petroleum Geology of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. Satpayev on academic mobility, joint research projects and other mutually beneficial areas.
Online conference with the participation of representatives of KSTU named after I.Razzakov, LLC "China Petroleum Company Junda" and Hebei Petroleum Professional Technical University
On November 19, 2024, an online conference was held at the Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after U. Asanaliev with the participation of employees of China Petroleum Company Junda LLC, Hebei Petroleum Professional and Technical University.
The conference was devoted to the discussion and exchange of experiences in such professional fields as geological exploration, oil and gas field development and oil refining.
Discussion topics included:
The state of educational activities in various specialties: includes but is not limited to the following aspects: the current composition of teachers, conditions for laboratory and practical classes, the results of educational activities, international cooperation and exchanges. (b) Personnel training, including the goals and objectives of training, curriculum development, professional prospects, etc. Educational and scientific research, including research projects, technical services and other aspects. Ideas for interuniversity cooperation: exchange of teachers, student exchanges, mutual recognition of credit units, joint scientific research, etc. At the conference, senior lecturers of the Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks Gulzat Imanalieva made a report on the topic: "Spatial and statistical analysis of geological factors of oil and gas potential of Kyrgyzstan" and Anatoly Akimbekov on the topic: "The current state of the oil and gas industry in Kyrgyzstan".
A round table on the integration of science, education and production was held at KGMI named after Academician U. Asanalieva As part of the World Science Day on November 6, 2024, at the Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U. Asanaliev held a round table on the topic "Integration of science, education and production: innovations for sustainable development of the mining industry". Leading specialists of mining companies and professors of the institute gathered at the event to discuss the path to sustainable development of the industry through close cooperation of science, education and industry. Representatives of large companies took part in the discussions, such as OJSC "Kyrgyzaltyn", GP "Kyrgyzhydrogeology", OO "Altynken", OO "Kichi-Chaarat", Borovaya kompaniya Mining Exploration, Kumtor Gold Company, OAO "Kyrgyzneftegaz", OO "KAZ Minerals" Bozymchak", GP "Kyrgyzkomur", LLC "Alliance Altyn", LLC "Kyrgyzgeoperspectiva", as well as TOO "Aktas" from Kazakhstan. The teaching staff of the institute also contributed to the discussion of current issues. During the round table, it was emphasized that the integration of scientific research, educational processes and production technologies can ensure the innovative future of the mining industry. This will contribute not only to economic development, but also to the preservation of natural resources for future generations, which is especially important in the context of sustainable development.
Letter of thanks from Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow), November 2024
To the Rector
of the Kyrgyz State Technical Universitynamed after I.Razzakov
Chynybaev Mirlan Koichubekovich
Dear Mirlan Koichubekovich,
The Geological Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov expresses our deep gratitude for the excellent organization and implementation of the exchange practice between the faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov and the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I.Razzakov and asks to express gratitude to the following employees:
Head of the Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks, PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Professor Kasymov M.A., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor Orolbaeva L.I.; PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Professor Erokhin S.A.; Senior Lecturer Mambetalieva Sh.M.; Senior Lecturer Kanybek kyzy Aysalkyn.
Dean of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.N. Eremin
Head of the Department of Hydrogeology, Professor S.N.Pozdnyakov
Meeting with manufacturing partners, October 2024
On October 26, 2024, a meeting was held at the Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks with representatives of employers - the director of the State Enterprise "Kyrgyz Integrated Hydrogeological Expedition (SE KKGGE)" of the Water Resources Service of the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic (MVAPI KR) Tariel Erkebaevich Sulfimanov and chief engineer Maxim Dmitrievich Klepov.
The areas of cooperation were discussed in connection with the change in the status of the SE KKGGE - the transition of the enterprise from the Ministry of Natural Resources to the MVAPI KR.
On all issues discussed, the parties came to a unanimous opinion: it is extremely important for the parties to strengthen and improve mutually beneficial cooperation in all mutually beneficial areas, which traditionally continues for decades (protocol).