Educational activities

In recent years, the Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks has been restructuring its work in accordance with the needs of modern production in a market economy. Multi-level training of specialists is carried out - bachelors, specialist engineers, masters, and starting in 2022, within the framework of the Erasmus + project, also the training of doctors of philosophy (PhD).

Agreements on mutual cooperation in multi-level training of specialists have been concluded with manufacturing enterprises of the country, research and professional education organizations.

The educational process at the department is organized in accordance with the main educational programs (MEP).

MEPs are developed on the basis of state educational standards of higher professional education (SES HPE). When developing the MEPs, the opinions of all interested parties, primarily potential employers, are taken into account. Thematic round tables, working groups, industry councils in the areas of the EP and other formats of interaction with the main stakeholders of the EP are used as platforms for coordinating the developed EPs.

Implemented areas/programs
Plan for the development of MEPs and REPs

Industry councils

Applied geology
Oil and gas engineering

Academic mobility

The Department of Water, Oil and Gas Resources and Georisks is implementing two programs for joint exchange practice within the framework of academic mobility with the Lomonosov Moscow State University since 2022 and the Ural State Mining University since 2024, based on cooperation agreements concluded between KSTU and them.

At the Zvenigorod training ground 2024

In the Urals 2024