Methodical work
KSTU named after I. Razzakov
Боковое меню
Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U. Asanaliev
Water, oil and gas resources and georisks
Methodical work
Section 14 "Geology" of the EMA KSTU
Based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 1675/1 of 11.11.2024 "On approval of the chairmen of the UMO of HPE of the Kyrgyz Republic" at the meeting of the Academic Council of KSTU dated 25.11.2024 (minutes No. 4) and by the order of the Vice-Rector of the AR (№1/259 dated 25.11.2024г) the composition of the sections of the UMO was approved.
Section meetings
№1 dated 18.12.2024
Methodical instructions
List of educational and methodological instructions
INFORMATION about the educational and methodological support MASTER'S DEGREE
Methodological guidelines for writing a master's thesis
Methodological guidelines for writing a final qualifying work
Methodological guidelines for writing a diploma project
KSTU named after I. Razzakov Боковое меню Institutions Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after Academician U. Asanaliev Water, oil and gas resources and georisks Methodical work
Section 14 "Geology" of the EMA KSTU
Based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 1675/1 of 11.11.2024 "On approval of the chairmen of the UMO of HPE of the Kyrgyz Republic" at the meeting of the Academic Council of KSTU dated 25.11.2024 (minutes No. 4) and by the order of the Vice-Rector of the AR (№1/259 dated 25.11.2024г) the composition of the sections of the UMO was approved.
Section meetings
№1 dated 18.12.2024
Methodical instructions
List of educational and methodological instructions
INFORMATION about the educational and methodological support MASTER'S DEGREE
Methodological guidelines for writing a master's thesis
Methodological guidelines for writing a final qualifying work
Methodological guidelines for writing a diploma project