The ISE Department is a structural unit of the HSEB of Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, whose main goal is to meet the needs of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic, business and science in advanced university education at a high scientific and technical level in the field of management of economic and technical systems using advanced information technologies.
The main direction of the department is the training of IT specialists–programmers and expert analysts who know modern methods of programming and data processing of information and infocommunication technologies.
Educational programs are focused on preparation:
Academic Bachelor's degree in Information Systems and Technologies, profile: Information systems and programming technologies in economics; Information systems and programming technologies in financial and credit activities
Masters in the following master's programs: Information Systems in Economics; IT Project and Development Management - Information Systems and Technologies; Databases - Computer Science and Computer Engineering
PhD-doctors in the field of "Information systems and processes", corresponding to European standards (EU).
One of the main tasks to achieve this goal is the desire of the department to teach students independent and creative work, the ability to apply this knowledge in practice, including in fundamental and applied research and design work.
The noted mission defines the development strategy of the department as a means of long-term improvement of the content and organization of the educational process with a focus on constantly and mobile updating knowledge in the field of information technology, the use of modern computer technologies in the educational process, scientific and applied research, to instill in students the skills and needs for constant updating of knowledge.
At the same time, the department's strategy focuses on solving the following tasks:
constant updating of knowledge in the field of computer science, systems and technologies, due to the explosive nature of the development of information sciences. Updating knowledge is implemented through continuous professional development of the teaching staff through a system of paid advanced training courses, a postgraduate course system and job seekers
continuous improvement of learning technology, through the use of modern computer tools, technologies and capabilities, such as network automated support systems for conducting laboratory and practical classes, the use of audiovisual tools in lectures, systematic automated control of students' learning
providing the contingent of students with modern literature, methodological manuals, training programs, using the possibilities of their computer representation (electronic libraries), the Internet and cathedral portals
Research work in the field of automated management in social and economic systems (which already determines the scientific direction of the department and makes it the leading one in the Republic) with the broad involvement of students in this work.
Automation of the educational process management at the cathedral level, through the use of special computer systems and technologies, means of mobile computer-oriented knowledge control, as well as through automated information exchange between the dean's office and the department, etc.
This transition is due to the updating of educational standards and programs of the Russian Federation and the alignment of educational standards of the Kyrgyz Republic with them, which is consistent with the interstate agreement on mutual recognition and equivalence of educational documents using state requirements for the content and level of training of bachelors/masters in the direction - 710200 "Information Systems and Technologies".
Currently, the teachers of the department actively use information technologies, active forms and methods of teaching in their work. The department has formed and is constantly updating an electronic database of information data, educational and methodological complexes in disciplines, methodological materials for independent work of students, control of their knowledge.
Teachers of the department are constantly working to improve their skills, participate in methodological seminars, advanced training courses, and undergo internships at leading universities and departments of the country.
All conditions have been created at the department to ensure the educational needs and interests of students, the formation of their professional competencies.
The department actively cooperates with employers, inviting them to seminars, business meetings and presentations to students. Practical experience, new approaches in analytical and financial and economic work, modern banking technologies and financial instruments are systematically discussed with employers and introduced into the curricula of disciplines.
The department is aimed at the implementation of all tasks for the modernization of higher professional education in the field of information systems and technologies.