The history of the ISE Department dates back to when, in 1995, a new department of Information Systems in Economics was established at the I.Razzakov KSTU on the basis of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. At its core, the history of the department dates back to 1968, when the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering was established, headed by Associate Professor, Ph.D. Osmonov M.K. In 1976, the department was divided into the Department of Electronics and the Department of Automatic Control Systems and Computer Engineering. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor Zhivoglyadov V.P. became the head of the department.
From 1977 to 1982, the Department of ACS and CE was headed by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor Akaev A.A., now Professor at Moscow State University, Moscow.
Subsequently, the department was renamed the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. It was headed at various times by academician V.P. Zhivoglyadov, later (since 1992) a corresponding member. NAS KR, Prof. Brimkulov U.N.
From February 1995-2013, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.F. Babak. Under his leadership, the department began to train specialists in the field of "Information Systems in economics", and therefore received the same name. The department trained specialists in the specialty 552802.01 "Information systems and technologies" of the direction 552802 "Information systems" with the specialization "Information systems in economics".
From September 2019 to September 2022, by order of the Rector, the acting head of the Department “Information Systems in Economics” performed before passing through the competition, Ph.D., Associate Professor Batyrkanov M.Sh.
The new history of the Department of Information Systems in Economics begins in September 2022, when the Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after I. Razzakov was reorganized by joining the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture (KGUSTA) named after N. Isanov. On the basis of this reorganization, the Department of IST KSTU named after N.Isanov was merged with the Department of ISE of KSTU named after I.Razzakov and the head of the department of ISE was appointed Ph.D., Associate Professor M.T. Zhaparov.
The Department of Information Systems and Technologies (IST) at the N.Isanov KGUSTA was established in 2001 on the basis of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Methods (EMM). The EMM Department was founded in 1992 by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Viktor Zakharovich Merenkov. In different years, the department was headed by: Ph.D., Associate professors Bobrus R.G., Sadykov G.M., Toroev A.A., Karimbaev T.T., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sharshenaliev Zh.Sh. Since 2017, the Department of IST was headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Zhaparov M.T.
Both departments were leading in the Republic in training personnel in the field. Information systems and technologies.
The educational program is focused on the preparation of an academic bachelor in the field of Information Systems and Technologies (IST), profile – IST in: economics, banking; business; customs; construction.
The ISE Department recruits undergraduates in the following master's programs: Information Systems in Economics, Management of IT projects and developments in the field of Information Systems and Technologies, Databases in the field of Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
Within the framework of the project "Development of doctoral studies and research potential of Kyrgyzstan/ DERECKA", the N. Isanov KGUSTA has been working since 2020 on the preparation of doctoral students for the new PhD educational program "Information Systems and Processes", corresponding to European standards (EU). 2022-2023 academic year, the first PhD enrollment is being carried out-Doctoral studies in Information Systems and Processes.
The scientific orientation of the department is the application of modern information technologies in business, education and management of large social and economic systems. CASE technologies, modern modeling languages, methods and tools of artificial intelligence, etc. are widely used in research projects. The department is the leading one in the Republic in the development of a corporate management system for the educational process of the university. Students are widely involved in scientific work. A postgraduate course has been opened. Postgraduate students study at the department and complete dissertations – 5 PhD and 2 doctoral
Today, the strengths of the department are noted:
The high professional level of teaching staff (the qualitative composition of teaching staff is 48%, 80% of teaching staff of the department have interned abroad: Germany, India, England, Lithuania, Russia).
Volunteers from South Korea and Russia have been involved. They teach classes with students of the IST department on the course Programming Technology in English.
Material and technical base (Multimedia class IST, room 8/405 Laboratory of embedded and mobile systems of the Kyrgyz-Korean IT Center, room 8/202, Virtual electronic laboratory, room 1, laboratory class "Network technologies", 8/303).
Educational and methodological equipment (SMSD of the department, the cathedral electronic library):
The developed Methodological materials (on the implementation of course and final qualification works of bachelors and undergraduates and on the passage of industrial and pedagogical practice).
Communication with employees (number of contracts, organization of seminars with SE INFOCOM, LLC Nur Telecom, Hoster kg., SE Kyrgyztest, Society of Analysts of Kyrgyzstan, Hi-Tech Park, Kyrgyzhydromet, LLC InvestBank, NationalBank, Halyk Bank, RSK Bank, JSC "Aiyl Bank").
Mobility of undergraduates (St. Petersburg IPMO Research Institute, ALSU, NSU).
International conferences and seminars (2014, 2015, 2017) were organized and conducted at a high level by the members of the IST Department. On June 7, 2019, an international conference was held on the topic: "Industry 4.0 technologies", dedicated to the year of digitalization in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Attracting investments:
The members of the department (M.T. Zhaparov, S. Abdieva), together with a volunteer from South Korea, Deugan Lee, developed the first investment project to create a computer class "Programming Internet of Things" and won a grant in the amount of 315,000 SOM. A new computer lab has been created, equipped with 20 Raspberry Pi-type computers.
The second investment project Technical equipment of the computer class "Programming of Internet of Things" has been developed and a grant in the amount of 280000 SOM has been won.
The department conducts scientific research using modern information technologies in engineering, education and management of large social and economic systems.
A postgraduate course has been opened. Postgraduate students study at the department and complete dissertations – 5 PhD and 2 doctoral. The scientific orientation of the department is the application of modern information technologies in business, education and management of large social and economic systems. Students are widely involved to scientific work.
In the educational process, the department focuses on the use of modern computer technologies. It has an electronic library, providing all courses taught with electronic educational and methodological manuals. Electronic training programs and electronic testing are widely used. Automated processes of the department such as the calculation and distribution of the workload of teachers, accounting and staff movement, accounting for student academic performance. An electronic version of department management support has been created.